Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Aarkus (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 The world seethes with terror and evil! It is time for me to hurry where I am most needed! Quote2
Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 18
Quote1 The monsters I seek are your seeds! Seed which will grow large and destroy every vestige of life on Earth! Quote2
Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 26
Quote1 Yes? Did you call me, Jerry? I'm your Genii! Quote2
Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 37
Quote1 It is a new age. An age of heroes. An age in which we all have contributions to make, in many and varied ways. Yet, though we pursue separate destinies, I have no doubt that should this world have need of us... should freedom ever again be threatened... the Invaders will answer the call. Quote2
Invaders Now! Vol 1 5
Quote1 The vapors tell much, including of your urgent need... And I have learned a great deal in my time cloistered with the smoke... Secrets of the vapor, both grand and subtle... Including, crucially, many I have not yet taught my young aides. And thus, since your need is great and the capacities of she who you pursue unknown... I gladly take up lawfarer's colors once more. And I will return at your side. Quote2
The Marvels Vol 1 7
Quote1 It is a new age. An age of heroes. An age in which we all have contributions to make, in many and varied ways. Yet, though we pursue separate destinies, I have no doubt that should this world have need of us... should freedom ever again be threatened... the Invaders will answer the call. Quote2
Aarkus (Earth-616)

All items (6)
