Marvel Database

Quote1 Parker. I always hated him. Weaselly kid. Quote2
Philip Sheldon[src]

Quick Answers

Who does Peter Parker accidentally infect in the Earth-9591 universe? toggle section
In the Earth-9591 universe, Peter Parker accidentally infects reporter Philip Sheldon, which tragically leads to Sheldon's death from cancer.
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What are the consequences of Peter Parker's infection in the Marvel Ruins comic? toggle section
In the Marvel Ruins comic, Peter Parker (Earth-9591) experiences severe consequences due to his infection. Instead of gaining superpowers after being bitten by a radioactive spider, he develops a mutant virus. This infection leads to a rash that expands across his entire body and causes his hair to fall out. In a tragic turn of events, Peter inadvertently infects reporter Philip Sheldon during a visit to the Daily Bugle, leading to Sheldon's death from cancer. Later, Peter is seemingly quarantined due to his condition.
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What is the significance of Earth-9591 in the Marvel universe? toggle section
Earth-9591, also known as the 'Ruins' universe, is a unique and significant part of the Marvel multiverse. This universe is a darker, more dystopian take on the Marvel universe we know and love. In this reality, many of our favorite heroes, including Peter Parker, have met tragic ends. The 'Ruins' comic series, which can be read online, provides a stark contrast to the typical superhero narrative, making Earth-9591 a fascinating exploration of what could happen if things didn't always go the heroes' way.
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Working at the Daily Bugle to earn money to help pay for college, Peter Parker was bitten by a Radioactive Spider he was experimenting on. Instead of giving him superpowers and becoming Spider-Man, he developed a mutant virus instead.

Before first exhibiting the infectious rash, he visited the Daily Bugle a final time, accidentally infecting reporter Philip Sheldon, leading to Sheldon's death of cancer. He was later seemingly quarantined, his rash expanding to all his body and his hair falling out.[1]

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