Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Bird the Beast and the Lizard"

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  • Antidote serum


Synopsis for "The Bird the Beast and the Lizard"

When most of the X-Men fall asleep on the helicopter, they realize that they are not in New York, but in Florida, on the vacation that the Professor promised on the previous mission. He explains that Warren's family has a beach house they will stay at, since "they almost never use it". However, Professor Charles Xavier makes a stop at the house of one Dr. Curtis Connors, more commonly known as Lizard. However, when they arrive, they find that Dr. Connors is gone, and his wife says he is away on business, but Xavier persuades her let them help her husband. She lets them watch a video recording of the doctor in his lab, which shows them that he transformed into the Lizard.

Warren and the Professor persuade Mrs. Connors to take her son and go to her sister's house while Warren, Hank, and the Professor stay to give Dr. Connors the antidote serum. Meanwhile, Bobby, Jean, and Scott go to the Worthington's private beach to relax.

When Beast and Angel go looking for Connors, they encounter alligators, and shortly thereafter, Angel disappears into the water. Beast goes into the water after him and pushes him back to the surface before attacking Connors. Then, Angel gets the Lizard off Beast, and they escape. Meanwhile, after Bobby went into the shade and leaves him with Jean in the water, Scott's glasses come loose, and he quickly closes his eyes. However, Jean convinces him to fire full blast into the sea and consoles him about his power's destructive nature.

Back in the swamp, the Lizard catches up with Hank and Warren, biting into the former's leg. Warren takes the Lizard up into the air by the tail, but Lizard bites it off to escape. Hank tells Warren to leave a trail of the Lizard's blood on the way back to the cabin in order to lead Lizard home, where they can administer the serum. They get to the house where Bobby freezes Connors, and Hank finally administers the serum. Dr. Connors changes back to normal and thanks the team for their help.

See Also

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