This scenario takes place in an alternate timeline after the end of Avengers Infinity War. At the end of Infinity War, instead of Thanos snapping his fingers when Thor Was swinging Stormbreaker, He aimed For his arm And he sliced off The arm That the infinity gauntlet Was on, Then he picks up his axe and tells Thanos “I told you, you’re going die for that!!!” Then he takes his Battle-ax and slices off the head Of thanos and kills him. He then picks up the infinity gauntlet and tries to resurrect all of the Asgardians that Thanos has killed on the statement ship, but something goes wrong! The moment he puts on the gauntlet a blaze of Fiery cosmic energy spews out of the gauntlet and the sound of an Eagle-like screech Can be heard!!! As the cosmic Flames Surround The Mighty Thor and his teammates the other avengers, Teleporting them to another universe!
In the X-Men universe, The year is 1992, 2 years after the events of Dark Phoenix. The avengers find themselves in Westchester, New York, They read a newspaper and find out to their shock The time. They then somehow incounter two men playing chess near a café, Charles Xavier Senses something off about the people near them introduces himself to the strangers, He also reads their minds about the events that has recently happened in their home world and their situation, he also sees the phoenix force and direct them to Jean Gray school for the gifted and request Hank McCoy‘s help
What happens next is up to the reader!?