I really hate people's critique on the films CGI 😆.... I'm just different I guess. Was it the best? No. Does it ruin ones enjoyment? I could see that. Is it that big of deal to ruin a movie? No.
I do agree the film didn't need Rhinos, but I liked it simply for this scene...
But anyways, let's leave that alone lol. We're just talking about scenery and shots. Not CGI & Rhinos 😁. I'll give the film it's props for being more natural with lighting and all, but it's also the far more colorless film.... well guessing so far.
Cgi isnt the biggest deal in my opinion. Could be worse
Y'know what...I just watched the Teaser again, and I'll take back a few things I said in regards to being totally colorless.
It DOES have some color in here.
I forgot about Jolie's Turquoise Silk cutting scene. I love her hair too.
There were some things that stood out to me... but not much. I like seeing them stand outside of Babylon. As one who loves history, I love seeing the gates of Babylon.
I still personally dont like the outfits/wardrobe. Way to basic for a team like Eternals. Sometimes I get sick of MCU'S style of costume design.... they can be way too basic at times, or too copy & paste. The Eternals armor doesn't look that much different from basic Asgardian armor in my opinion.
That's where I've seen it before! That's been bugging me all day.
Icarus suit is the only one I could recognize when it comes to comic suits.
I think you're just trolling based on your post history at this point
I hope next trailer will show us more Black Knight action. I wonder what connection he'll have with Eternals?
^His romantic relationship with Sersi explains why he is in the film at all if the trailer is brokendown
What do you think?