To explain: In Uncanny X-Men 248, Nanny and Orphan Maker attacked the X-Men at their temporary hide out. Storm chased them down, but was captured by Nanny, who then sent down an LMD so the X-Men wouldn't realize her disappearing. Nanny needed Storms powers to accomplish his goal, but she wasn't having it, so Nanny de aged her down to her pre-teen years and revoked her memories so that she would be more easily swayed to his cause. However, Ororo still wasn't having it, so while attempting to de age her, 'Ro destroyed Nanny's machine and escaped in the chaos. Now, on the road and being hunted by Nanny, she has to turn back to life she once lived and loved, of thievery. However, while living on the street and stealing for her lively hood, she ends up being targeted by the Shadow King, who nearly kills her until the hero of the story, Gambit, shows up and saves her life.
It is never explained canonically why he was there, as Claremont's vision for the story is that he was hired by, or in debt to, Mr. Sisinter to infiltrate the X-Men, then get close to Kitty, and then kill her, and by taking away their leader they are now that much closer to shattering the team, but before he is able to do that he finds himself maturing and changing, tired of being Sinister's slave, because, surprise, Remy's not a fan of being someone's slave. Then, of course, Remy would realize the value of being a true hero, and would fall for Rogue, and would end up being a permanent member of the X-Men.
This, however, never came to fruition, because Claremont lost his hold of Remy before he could bring about these stories, so Remy's reason for being there remains unexplained, and I'm hoping this mini-series will help clear that up. And frankly, I could go without the whole imposter story for his introduction, I king of like to think that he saved 'Ro because she reminded him of Marrow and he was barely able to save her, and wouldn't be able to live with himself if he let her drown.
So yeah, the story lines up directly with Remy's encounter with the de aged Storm, then they actually stay and run cons up and down the Mississippi for quite a while, or at least for however long it takes Storm to grow her hair from a buzz-cut back to her normal elbow-ish length, but any stories about them were contained completely in Uncanny X-Men 266 and 267, with a few references to it in his '99 series. So, seeing as it happened in 266, these events would have been very early 90's. It's not a retcon, just an de age situation.
And, we don't know who the "blonde chick with the toned buttocks" is, at least not to my knowledge. I'm assuming she'll be a character introduced in the story, for the story.