Hey guys, so I’ve been trying to figure out what kind of Demiurge (William Kaplan a.k.a Wiccan) is supposed to be…like if he’s an entirely different type of demiurge destined to be like the one before or if he is the actual reincarnation of that same Demiurge cuz in the comics the writers make it seem like he’s just an avatar for the demiurge (like PF) only to rewrite magic like once or so and then thats it?? Like it honestly doesn’t even feel like he’s wanda’s kid anymore because if he is actually the demiurge just reincarnated in human form, then he wouldn’t in anyway be wandas spiritual kid. Yet they also haven’t figured out where his powers come from. I’m just confused about it and wondering when they are gonna touch up on that cuz im sadly losing more interest in the character including if hes just a god in human form due to reincarnation or whatever. Like I want there to be a reason why he’s powerful and honestly hopefully they make him his own type of force instead of being the same one from a past life.