Welcome to a new series where I put you, yes You, to battle one of the most powerful beings in all of fiction. And before the battle even begins, you and only you will have to find a way to defeat them. How? With your tiny little nerd brains of course! (And also with the power of prep time, but that's kind of Batman's Plot device)
Here's your first challenger! Weighing 167 pounds, with a height of 5' 10".
He was once a nerd with hardly any friends, but when a spider filled with radiation bit him, it not only conveniently didn't kill him, it made him live on the edge, fight crime, spin webs, swing from the highest ledge, and now can leap above our heads. You know him, most people love him, the amazing...
I Want a fair, friendly discussion down there, okay guys? Ready your keyboards, Now, Type!