Welcome to the second round of a series where I pick you, yes You, to battle one of the most powerful beings in all of fiction. And before the battle even begins, you and only you will have to find a way to defeat them. How? By using that squishy round stuff in your head you call a brain. If possible, You can also incorporate things that exist in Earth 616 and our world and use them as tools. So without any further explanation, let me introduce your second challenger!
With a weight of 210 pounds and a height of 6 ft. 2 in, The world's most skilled mercenary, (and the world's funniest) was chosen for a top-secret government program that gave him a healing factor allowing him to heal from any wound. And despite making his money as a gun for hire, he has become one of the most beloved "Heroes" in the Marvel Universe. Call him annoying, call him the merc with the mouth, call him the Despicable...
Alright guys, once again I Want a fair, friendly discussion down there. Ready your keyboards, Now, Type!
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