Welcome to the sixth round of a dangerous yet totally rigged series where I pick you, yes You, to battle one of the most powerful beings in all of fiction. And before the battle even begins, you and only you will have to find a way to defeat them. How? Well unless you're a scarecrow living in Oz, I think most of you guys have a brain and know how to use them. Plus you're allowed to incorporate things that exist in Earth 616 and our world and use them as tools. So now that we establish that you're not made of straw, let me introduce your next challenger!
Weighing 190 pounds, with a height of 6 ft. He is the creator of a school built for Homo Superiors and is the leader of an elite mutant superhero team known to the world as the X-Men. He was the former friend of a powerful mutant who wants to kill him and is also the brother of a powerful Super-human who also wants to kill him, and quite possibly the distant cousin of Caillou. He is known to be the most powerful telepath of all time.
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Professor...
You know the drill guys, I need a Fair, Friendly discussion, I'm not trying to get this post locked. Ready Your Keyboards...Now, Type!