Merged sentry:
Current Thor:
Location: ego
Win via: ko/incapacitation/ or death
Merged sentry:
Current Thor:
Location: ego
Win via: ko/incapacitation/ or death
Thor. IMO he has better feats. But it would be a helluva fight.
Honestly I’m torn on this one both these characters are absolutely broken I think raw power it’s extremely close for both these characters, although I might edge it out towards sentry I mean he beat molucule man in a weaker state than when he was merged so maybe raw power for sentry. Although you could give it to Thor aswell but as stated above I think I’m gonna have to give it to Thor he has insane feats like defeating the black winter or pushing the world engine and so many more so Thor wins barely. But hopefully sentry comes back soon we all know he’s not gonna stay dead he has immortality and the ability to resurrect himself, a broken character for sure😂.
Currently, Thor with moderate difficulty, due to versatility.
The amount of comics merged sentry appeared in, I can count on one finger. He doesn't have much feats. Why do we call him the strongest version of sentry? He beat some dumbass called scout... Who had one arm.
Death seed sentry would have been better for this Thor.
I mean the writer intent on merged sentry is for him to be at his most powerful all the death seed does is help a character reach there full potential so at the very least merged sentry and death seed are on equal playing ground but I do believe the writer intent and since the sentry is merged with the void and in a good mind set he should be the strongest sentry.
I wish we could've seen that. But I guess he stayed alive for far longer then marvel liked.
Yea me too merged sentry has insane potential I mean his feats in base and death seed which is still technically base since the death seed only unlocks a characters full potential are crazy so considering merged sentry is suppose to be even stronger is ridiculous. I wish they dove into merged sentry more but the writers are always doing him dirty. And he’ll eventually come back he has the ability to resurrect himself we just need a good writer who wants to tap into sentry’s potential character and power wise to bring him back.
He'll probably be back in the current Thor run.
Fingers crossed 🤞
What do you think?