Cable gets full regen after every battle
Cable is at his best
Random encounters
Gauntlet starts at grodd ends at Sinestro
Cable gets full regen after every battle
Cable is at his best
Random encounters
Gauntlet starts at grodd ends at Sinestro
But yeah the summers family shouldnt be slept on. Not a single one of them goes down easy. They're easily the most powerful and broadspanning marvel family
Yea definitely don’t want to piss that family off 😂
R1. It sounds like everyone is waiting their turn, but is he being held back by the Techno-Virus or has he gone Terminator like in the image? None Terminator mode I'd say he takes Grodd, Booster Gold, Bishop and maybe Cyborg but not Sinestro or Danvers.
R2. At his best Cable is dropping them all.
R3. Random encounter, is it one at a time or he ran into all of them at once? Well we've seen him have a hard time with Bishop in random in encounters. If his not pulling a Terminator or at his best without the T-Virus, he should be able to handle them all. If not then he should be able to handle Grodd, Booster Gold, Bishop, Cyborg and the others would like beat him.
R4. The Gauntlet: Is he in Terminator mode, at his best without the T-Virus, does he have the T-Virus and does he have prep time? Otherwise he'll take Grodd, Booster Gold and if history has any guide then he'll be hurt badly after facing Bishop but will take him. Bishop has pushed him to his limits a few times. After that he'll be pretty beat up and possibly won't get past Cyborg.
Cable is at his best he gets full regen after each battle and yes they are one at a time
Oh for every round then his taking the whole thing. Danvers and Sinestro are they only ones strong enough to give him a fight and even they will fall to the Terminator Cable. I mean come on, he took out the Avengers solo. And Cable without the T-Virus. and has accesses to all his powers is just next level.
Captain marvel beats him. Just look what she did in infinity war. She flew right through a huge ship destroying it. Took a head but from the same thanos that put the beat down on the hulk. Didn’t even flinch. Cable could hardly compete with Deadpool in a prison fight.
This is 616 carol. Shes similar but different to mcu carol
If you're only knowledge of the character is from movies, you might not have quite enough knowledge on the character.
Full power cable is an omega level mutant and psychic of the highest order.
Even in the comics though through skill alone he took out all of the avengers.
Dont rely on movie feats. They are never a 1:1 comparison with comics.
I’m kinda new to comics. Reading about 3 to 4 hrs a week last 7 or so years
Reread a lot though. I think a lot of people only know the moving version of superhero’s.
What do you think?