Luke, he has time for being both a hero for hire and a involved father and husband
That’s hella of a lotta work!
And mayor of New York.
He also ran a prison
I wonder how he ran it.
He was a prisoner himself, at one point.
I didnt read much of it but it seemed he did okay.
The thing that struck me was he left the New Avengers because he believed there was a better way to make change, and went on to run the prison (i think it was the raft).
Then, captain america becomes the head of shield and says "luke, i want you to run the new avengers because there should always be a new avengers team doing what the main avengers team cant, and you're the best one to do that"
And he's like "alright, sure" and just leaves his role running the prison to go run the same team he was running before
Im actually pretty sure he was done being a super hero because his family had been targeted in dark reign and he didnt want to keep them exposed to that.
But the second steve asks he seemed to drop everything and go back to basics
He had to listen, because it's captain America.
What do you think?