Does anybody believe that Mystique has one too many sons and not enough daughters in the comics and any other incarnations?
I do.
In my personal opinion, she needs more daughters. And I don't mean adopted like Rogue. Mystique needs some daughters that she was pregnant with, gave birth to, and are mutants just like her. One of which should be a member of both the X-Men and Avengers.
What her daughter's mutant powers/abilities would be, I don't know. Maybe she'd be a shapeshifter just like her mother, or perhaps something else entirely. She would also be a major advocate on peaceful human-mutant coexistences like Professor X, similar to Martin Luther King, Jr. or even Medgar Evers where she would use her wit and guile that she inherited from her mother that would become a major eyeopener to most humans, making a lot of them see and realize that not all are evil and that those like the Brotherhood of Mutants and the Hellfire Club are those who will do anything and everything in their power to make mutants reign supreme.