Spider-Man: Back in Black & Thor God Butcher Arc animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios.
X-Force: Angels & Demons movie animated by Mappa Studios.
Annihilation & Secret Wars (2015) animated by Ufotable.
Spider-Man: Back in Black & Thor God Butcher Arc animated by Powerhouse Animation Studios.
X-Force: Angels & Demons movie animated by Mappa Studios.
Annihilation & Secret Wars (2015) animated by Ufotable.
@Cubchou32 vs. @Dr. Nice
Location: Hala.
Round 1: Neither has Infinity Stone (Star has her powers through the power siphon).
Round 2: Both have their respective Infinity Stones (Reality for Star, Soul for Warlock).
Who would win and why?
Wisdom of Stephen Strange
Strength of Hulk
Stamina of Adam Warlock
Power of Zarathos
Courage of Aldrif Odinsdottir
Speed of Monica Rambeau
Only one will live on to exist forever, unchanged. Who will you choose?
Choosing any existing MCU/MCM character past or present, canon or non canon, and choosing any genre, create a MCU Series or project to exist in the multiverse.
I'm just....I'm at lost for words...and there not very nice ones.
Wonder Man
Adam Warlock
Location: New Asgard
Equipment: Standard
I did this a while back with a bunch of characters but I've had a bunch of great ideas since then so here we are:
1. Sienna Miller as Susan Storm.
Mandy Moore was my first choice but then I saw Sienna in a couple things & now I'm totally convinced. As for Emily Blunt, the personalities really never matched up.
2. Jai Courtney as Taskmaster
He's got the build, voice & could totally do Taskmaster's personality in the comics. If you've ever seen Divergent, picture that guy but a complete badass.
3. Jake Mcdorman as Richard Rider
I was watching Limitless around the same time I was reading a lot of Nova and the personalities clash really well. The whole capable, not totally qualified but hero person.
4. Robert Carlyle as Mephisto
If you've ever seen Once Upon a Time, you'll totally get casting him as an invincible trickster. If you haven't.....take some time & watch the show already, geez.
5. Luke Evans as Namor
I just mentioned this in another post but it really works. The whole ultra-intense rageful king vibe is really good on him.
6. Orlando Bloom as Adam Warlock
I don't know if someone else's already been casted but if not here's my candidate. After LotR & PotC, he could totally pull off the golden space Jesus role.
7. Julianne Hough as Dazzler
Duh. After watching Footloose & Rock of Ages, you could not convince me anyone else is better qualified if you had brainwashing tech.
We know that The One Above All is basically the god in Marvel’s (also has a theory that e The One Above All, Presence and God (From Spawn) are the same god and who created the omniverse). Reason name one above all because he above all creation and creating other
primevals meaning that other gods, demons and cosmic beings. Also there is a theory that One Above All created the First Firmament. We know that Celestials were created by the First Firmament. Celestials are more powerful if not gods themselves. Odin ain’t that powerful against powerful beings like Galactus on a larger scale.
So questions remain? What is the caste system for these cosmic beings and gods? If The One Above All is above all creations and other gods, so who above who? Below are the demons like Hell-Lords (like Beelzebub, Hela, Mephisto, Satana and Hellstrom) who are still more powerful than Thor and Thanos, maybe Morlun. What between Heaven and Hell? Which primeval are strongest that closely can not defend but closely beat hell-Lords and One-Above-All. Is Chaos King, Knull, Gorr the God Butcher, Black Winter, Mad Titan, Warlock or then who? The Marvel Universe is larger than ever with many buried questions like beside God and the strongest demons, which pecking order from Demi-gods to beyond omega level begins.
Possible Caste System Order:
First Firmament
Chaos King
Council of Godheads
Shuma Gorath
Phoenix Force
Adam Warlock
Black Winter
The Beyonder
The Other (Spider-Totems)
Eternals and Deviants
Ghost Rider