RJ Plotner·8/13/2024in GeneralIf Marvel and DC crossed over again in the future, what would the crossover be?It could be Marvel vs DC, JLA/Avengers 2, Amalgam, anything that you think of.(Edited by RJ Plotner)Marvel ComicsDC UniverseMarvel UniverseMarvel Versus DCAmalgamCrossoverJLA/Avengers Vol 1
Neosaiyan7·7/19/2023in GeneralWhat do you think about Amalgam Comics?Amalgam ComicsAmalgam UniverseAmalgam
Luisdanny2012·1/20/2023in GeneralCrossover eventI’m not sure about everyone but one crossover event I would love to see happens with the Amalgam comic/universe with a appearance from dr strangefate, dark claw, and super soldier and iron lantern or dr doomsday AmalgamAmalgam (Earth-616)