The Sentry/Robert Reynolds: this guy would be their main powerhouse physically. While in full control he stomped base Thor and while Merged he stomped Scout who was, at that point, as strong a stable Sentry was. He also has a good mix of hax with his molecular manipulation and powerful, but rather simple, psionics. He also has a genius level intellect as stated by Reed Richards.
The Legion/David Haller: The God Mutant would be the teams main hax guy. His reality warping is considered beyond omega level and his multiple personalities give him near limitless variety. Plus with the help of the Merged Sentry and his next two teammates they could help keep him mentally stable.
X Man/Nate Grey: This man is regarded as the multiverses greatest psionic. He has been stated to be on par if not above Jean Grey with the Phoenix Force. He actually became a Psionic Entity. His immense psionics would be a great addition to the roster.
Agamotto: The half Elder God and first Sorcerer Supreme. Even Dr Strange casts spells using his name and he created one of the most powerful magical artifacts in marvel The Eye of Agamotto. His mystical knowledge is nearly unmatched and he has even defeated Dormmamu in a fair match. He also achieved the rank of mystical principality just like Cytorrak.
This team would be nearly unmatched in power and could be like the Guardians of the Galaxy, but for the multiverse. The Multiversal Watchmen