Wonder Woman!
Kara Kent!
Proxima Midnight!
Normal equipment!
Fight to death/K.O.
Wonder Woman!
Kara Kent!
Proxima Midnight!
Normal equipment!
Fight to death/K.O.
I’m back with a X-Men theme picture.
Who or what is you favorite X-Men supervillain my is all of them.
Who's a character(s) you would be interested in seeing go good or vice versa
Ex: Juggernaut as one of the Thunderbolts
Suggestions for next one will be appreciated.
Today's Thunderbolts:
Charcoal (Charlie Burlingame)
Juggernaut (Cain Marko)
Don't forget to state your reasoning.
If you didn't know already, Batman is thought throughout the Internet to defeat any threat with enough prep time. But it's a bit general statement. What about the DETAILS?
So, in this post we're gonna focus on what Bruce Wayne should do as a preparation to fight and defeat certain Marvel characters.
Today's character is:
How would Batman prepare for him? And who should be next?
Vs. Green scar
K. O or death
Location: New York
Equipment: Standard
Shout out to the Jensen's World FB group for this.
Can the Juggernaut actually defeat the Hulk for once without Hulk having his "Hulk Plot-Armour"? Because almost everytime i see Juggernaut fighting the Hulk...Juggernaut just loses
Even though Juggernaut has superior stats over the Hulk from what I've gattered....or maybe i don't read enough comics