If Marvel comics every would had a new run in with Apocalypse. Who do you guys think should be the new horse men. Only pick Marvel characters with not much clout or fan base and not in the MCU.
If you was Apocalypse and you can choose any mutant to become your four horseman, who will it be.
What is a hero who kills bad guys in the name of justice called? Is he really called justice or is he evil?
Who are some characters you want added?
Comics, Movies, or shows can also be included.
Ah crap, some tall green girl just threw a giant boulder that came crashing through my house killing my wife and children. (sigh) I hate Mondays...
A: America Chavaz
P: Punisher
O: Old Man Logan
L: Loki
A: Atom
R: Red Tornado
G: Gambit
E: Electro
I: Iron Fist
S: Storm
T: The Thing
Setting: Abandon Warehouse in the dead of night.