Previous episode:
And as she said, Sunquake tells the tale of her people.
"It all started during the Big Bang. The Universe was created. In the first star ever, the first Homo Solaris was born. His name was Alpharadius. At first he was infinitely lonely. However, one day, The One Above All decided otherwise. He created a female member of Homo Solaris, Luma Prime. They both created the lineage of my brothers and sisters. Homo Solaris were born in stars and lived in harmony on every corner of the known universe. But like stars that we are born in aren't eternal, so was peace. The planets started to become inhabitated by living beings. We didn't interfere in their life. Until one day Plasma Rex II, great-grandson of Alpharadius changed it. Hatred towards those creatures and their violence grew within him. He thought Homo Solaris were better than them. He wanted to rule them. Some of our species formed a rebellion. We've sworn to protect all of the solar systems from Plasma Rex's wrath. The Homo Solaris you've seen is Pulsarios, one of Plasma Rex's soldiers."
"Yeah. He said I killed that newborn. And then he beat my ass." Ian says. He is walking around the ship listening to her. "How he said it? 'I burn you with my downpour form!'? Yeah, something like that."
"Dawnpour form. This is our most unique trait. All adult Homo Solaris can transform into more powerful version of themselves. Some of the Dawnpour forms are almost as powerful as Phoenix Force. But most of them are below that level."
"Great. I'm screwed up." He gets angry. His body blazes. "All of my crew is dead, I am black hole Human Torch and now a race of overpowered aliens thinks I killed their baby!" He yells. Sunquake walks to him. She takes his hand and tries to calm his troubled mind. Thanks to her touch, Ian changes to his human form. He remembers he's naked and immediately covers his genitals.
"Don't worry. We're coming to a safe place. My friend may be able to explain what happened to you." She says as they fly through the void. Astro Archer's voice tells him to put some clothes on. Ian puts on white uniform. Then he clenches his fist and it ignites for a second.