Whateveridk really3345·6/20/2022in Generalfights are backOkay.....fights shall be back from now on, hopefullyToday:White foxVsHellcatHellcatWhite Fox
This post is locked.Lagvaldemag·3/25/2022in VSCrew vs. Agents of Atlas: Black Panther vs. White Fox. T'Challa vs. Ami Han. Location: Madripoor. Round 1: Standard equipment and powers. Round 2: H2H combat. KO. Who would win and why? (Edited by Lagvaldemag)Black PantherAgents of Atlas (Earth-616)T'Challa (Earth-616)Ami Han (Earth-616)White FoxAgents of AtlasT'ChallaCrew (Earth-616)Crew
Archaeologist0307·12/28/2020in GeneralSilverclaw vs White foxWho will win? silverclaw vs white fox(Deathmatch)Location: Bifrost, Asgard(Edited by Archaeologist0307)Maria de Guadalupe Santiago (Earth-616)White Fox