Fuck it, I'll send an e-mail to Fandom to close that wiki and I'll close my account.
Bye diddle-riddle.
Poll is 2-1 right now, if more people voted it'd probably be like 3-10 or smth
People on the internet act very differently from in real life, because on the internet, you don't have to show your face. You are completely anonymous. So of course people are going to be uncivilized.
^^It's the internet, what do you expect?
How the hell can you miss him?
Anyways, I came here to say Ezekiel is a chad.
Naruto, MHA, JJK, OP. Those are undoubtedly the best. DBZ is most likely up there but I don't watch it.
Why is that it's a joke. That is the reason. It being a joke.
Max is black. I am also black. I found that joke funny.
It is satire.
Almost forgot opinions weren't allowed on the internet, thanks for the day-long reminder everyone, I appreciate it.
Lock it. Clean it. I'm done being a laughingstock to you people. I am better. I am Cole. I am better.
No, I don't. I dug this up purely as a way to show you that people do want this game on Xbox. And not everyone who wants something is going to go and sign a petition to get it. Don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. I'm just not going to address you anymore because like I said, you don't have an argument anymore.
Oh, and as for Bonk, they don't. They shouldn't. They shouldn't be able to keep Spider-Man away from all these people unless pour your money into their greedy hands.
^^So 1250 people is no one?
^Sony does not own Spider-Man.
As soon as you said that Marvel's Spider-Man was mediocre your entire argument fell apart. Next!
Sony does not own Spider-Man.
Absolutely no one, huh?
That's a fucking lie, Namor. "We" implies all of us Xbox players don't want Spider-Man. I am in a Discord server of Xbox players and everyone there wants it. You don't represent everyone.
I'm currently replaying Arkham Knight for the 13th time, I'm not exactly the most entertained. And I shouldn't have to pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to play two games. And no, I refuse to accept that Sony owns Spider-Man. They don't.
No, Coulson is good, I just don't like him.
And Monica Rambeau seems unfair since they are just starting to scratch the surface with her.