In spanish you use gender in a lot of words, to contextualize the subject
What are y'all talking about???
Good to hear that.
@Slyme quin how are you?? long time no talk
I do, I think dare does too. Haven't been that active on MCOC lately, but I still do.
Dare and I are in the same allience so I think he is still very much active on the game. Haven't really talked to him in a bit tho
How is everyone
I would personally say Rachel.
Astral projection
So absurd to me that I forget about this site
@Dare00Devil I DID IT
Just finished my semester, Finally
Any new interesting stuff happening?
Time for me to say something. Hi
That question is actually very philosophical. do you? do you not? It is a hard one to answer.
Holt shit @Mørningstar that is horrible. Hope that everything is good.
I have awaken again. I sometimes forget about this site lol.
Hey, what have u guys been listening to lately?