Elektra vs Killmonger: While being more proficient in combat, Killmonger has an advantage in strength in durability, and he should be able to win against Elektra in a 1v1.
Doctor Doom vs Moridun: As the Sorcerer Supreme from a previous Multiverse, Moridun would have access to some of his ancient magic to finish Doom.
Wonder Man vs Juggernaut: Juggernaut at his peak should be able to defeat Wonder Man, since his energy projection blasts wouldn't be able to stop him.
High Evolutionary vs Green Goblin: High Evolutionary should be able to easily win the Green Goblin. He's much more intelligent and much stronger.
Punisher vs Winter Soldier: Winter Soldier and his metal arm would be sufficient to knockout the Punisher. Only if Punisher is able to shoot Bucky.
Team vs Team: Team 2 would win with the support of Moridun, Jugernault, and the High Evolutionary basically carrying the team. I also don't really think the gravity decrease of 40% would impact much on this fight, and the outcome should be the same.
Hello guys. So, what happened?
And if it's a 5v5 and not a 1v1, Moridun doesn't necessarily needs to start fighting with GR. He can assist others as well.
I mean, GR needs to be close to his victim to execute his penance stare, and it seems that Team 2 is highly dependent on that. This means that in multiple battle possibilities, Team 1 would get the upper hand most of the time.
Moridun has also fought the Sorcerer Supreme of modern-day, Doctor Strange. Where he almost defeated him.
Though the power of the gem comes from Cytorakk
Another thing is that my team is composed of super-villains. Meaning they wouldn't hesitate on killing.
Thanks :)
Black Panther vs Killmonger: Equal in terms of physical strength, the fight could really go to any side. But BP is smarter, so that's an advantage.
Moridun vs Ghost Rider: Literally the Sorcerer Supreme of the Fith Cosmos, where some of its secrets were lost within reality. Ghost Rider's only chance would be the penance stare, but I'd doubt he'll be close enough to do it. Moridun solos.
Juggernaut vs Hyperion: Both characters have already shown amazing feats of durability and strength, with both being around the same level of the Hulk. Even though Hyperion survived the destruction of a universe, Juggernaut's power depends on the Cytorakk gem, who's a multiversal entity. At his peak, he would be able to defeat Hyperion.
High Evolutionary vs Pod-2: High Evolutionary, the smartest non-omniscient character out there, who once one-shotted the Thor with one of his beams. He'll definetly takeout Pod-2.
Punisher vs Moon Knight: Moon Knight clearly outclasses the Punisher.
Now, we have Moridun, Juggernaut and the High Evolutionary vs BP and Moon Knight, and they should be able to win the duo.
Spider-Man definitely wins this one. He will just outclass, outspeed and one-shot the trio. But that's because he's bloodlust.
Lag's team is just outclassed in most categories. But of course, the result of the battle would depend on the two strongest characters, in this case, Wong and Baron Mordo. I Mordo would win since he practically rivals Strange, the sorcerer supreme. So yeah, Dedd should win this battle Mid-diff.
Ok, thanks a lot!
Will I be pinned when this tournament happens?
I think Wolverine was chosen
@Dare00Devil Can I change Punisher for Iron-man? I think he's free.
Can I choose characters from other verses @Dare00Devil ?
Ignore this (edited)