I got a score of 6/6. Try to beat my score!
Be disappointed because I have no powers.
Spider-man 2099 is my favourite spider-man with one of the best marvel supporting casts.
Hulk hogan
When you make a reference you think is really cool but you realise no one knows what the hell your talking about
The ones which arent polls
Northstar or deadpool
@Dr. Nice thanos quest isnt a prequel, it came out a year before infinity gauntlet
Make a new 2099 imprint
^^yeah, ruins looks really depressing
Spider-man 2099 is Never referred to as spider-man 2099 (except in the title) until he travels back to present day.
Surely wiping out half of intelligent life And other animals would just put them back where they started. Yes, they would have a smaller population to feed, but there would be a smaller food source too.
Th....thats the Chinese flag...
'Did you know that my mother went through electroshock treatments when she was pregnant with me? This was before they would sedate you for that kind of thing... and then, you know... I died minutes after I was born... went to Hell... came back... that whole thing... I've had therapists try to tell me that these "early traumas" led me to being... the way I am. I've heared it all, you know... I'm this way because of abuse, because of video games, or sex and violence on TV, because of guns and knives and the wickedness of this mean old world. But what none of them get... is those things didn't make me what I am. I am made... of them. I am abuse. I am sex and violence. I am the guns and knives and the wickedness of this mean @#$%#&% world... you know my name. Now scream it.'
-dark Carnage
Doc samson.
Maestro is my favourite
Always loved that story in the TV show.
Idk for sure when it was in comics, but I found this:
Peter davids spider-man 2099 vol 1
One of my favourite villains (even tho he's not always a villain)....
Infinity gauntlet is one of the best stories ever in marvel IMO, but i'd also check out infinity war (a 1992 comic series with NOTHING to do with the film). It's nowhere near as good but it's pretty fun. Haven't read the 1993 infinity crusade yet tho.