Black Panther Vs Cheetah
This one isn't as connections based as my last one but more of a random thought
*Well I guess nows as good a time as ever, I'll make a new character soon and I'll join*
When I think of Spider-Man villains I think of Kraven, probably because of the animated series
Black Panther Vs Cheetah
This one isn't as connections based as my last one but more of a random thought
*Sorry to barge in, anyway I'll probably join when I can find an opening that would make sense to bring a new character in*
Annihilus vs Larfleeze
Greedy, xenophobic aliens who use a simple object attached to their bodies for their power source, but it allows them to bend the cosmos to their will and it will do anything they want (Cosmic Control Rod/Orange Lantern Ring). They have an extreme lust for power to the point where they’re viewed as the embodiments of greed, and they seek to conquer and keep everything for themselves. Both are also generally associated with the word “mine” (Annihilus referring to the Negative Zone as his own/Larfleeze calling everything he gets his hands on his own).
*These connections were provided by a friend*
I'd like to know what you guys think about this
*Yeah, post-apocalyptic settings are usually cool, and for zombies, I was thinking more of the ones from movies so say more science like*
*Maybe we could come up with a theme for the new role-play, like post apocalyptic or Zombies, cyber punk future or something*
*Yeah, I think restarting would be better, and maybe new characters, that depends tho*
*I don't know how much I'll be able to do but if it does get made I'll try my best to be on*
*That would be cool, I'd probably join*
*Oh shoot, I forgot I was in this, it is sad that this died but I'm happy you're feeling better
Oh, that sounds cool, but first, this wiki has lore? I did not know that. But anyhow y'all have fun with that
I believe it's Mr. Fantastic, from what I know anyway
Oh, what are we talking about here? Sounds interesting
I'd go with Ghost Rider
Man I've been gone from this wiki for quite some time huh, uh quick question, why is it green now? anyway i'll talk again when I wake up night people
Alright thanks it most definitly won't happen again, I am very sorry about that beyond belief sorry.
Oh wait a sec, I saw this on the dbfw it was a spite match because the person who made it didn't like the Batman Vs Spider-Man Death Battle
I don't think either would act like that, I also don't think spidey would destroy a whole town just to beat someone