The Song at First Makes You Think it's Good for Iron Man, But There's a Better Version, The Lyrics Actually Fit Zombie Iron Man Better, Just Look at the Lyrics (I'm Too Lazy to get Them)
I Know What It's About, But It Does Fit Zombie Iron Man, Apart from one or Two Lines
The Song at First Makes You Think it's Good for Iron Man, But There's a Better Version, The Lyrics Actually Fit Zombie Iron Man Better, Just Look at the Lyrics (I'm Too Lazy to get Them)
I Would've too, I Liked It the best
Don't know Who That Is, So I'ma Pass
Next One?
Please Do, I've Been Done, With this Argument for Three Days
Tech, and The Super pill, also You're Telling me in the Infinitely Different Earth's, That One Hasn't Fought Something Like Sentry?
Probably Not... But Whatever
You Say That Like Batman would Ask...
Not Even Close, Preparation
Not Even Close, Preparation
Yeah, But They Can Still Travel Between Earths
We Never Said Which Universe We're In But Ok
The Pills from Injustice and The Hellbat I Rest MY Case
Yeah Pretty sure It was a Carno
It May Not Have Been a Carno... Could've Been a Allosaurus...
... That Brings Back Bad Memories... I Saw A CGI Film about this Carnotaurus' Life, and a Giganotosaurus Tail Whipped it and Broke It's Jaw... Terrifying for a 9 Year Old
I've always Been More Interested in the Not Popular Dinosaurs, My First Dinosaur I Ever Learned about was the Plesiosaur, whenever I Got a Book from the Library about It, and My Favorite Is either a Brachiosaurus (I've Always Loved Gentle Giants) or the Iguanadon (Handshake One I Dare You)