Does the MCU multiverse exist in a different multiverse than the comics?
Blade for me. Blade and Spider-Man are the only Marvel characters I like.
Does the MCU multiverse exist in a different multiverse than the comics?
It's Disney. They ruin everything they touch.
You would think so. Some people actually want a PG-13 Punisher movie.
I am glad that they're making the film Rated R. The PG-13 stuff is getting kind of old. I'm ready to see something new. I'm not saying the PG-13 movies were bad but they've been doing that for awhile.
I hope it's Rated R. They will have to greatly tone down the character to make it PG-13.
If they do make a Punisher movie should it be Rated R or PG-13?
For me it's a tie between the Sam Raimi Spider-Man 3 cameo and the ps4 Spider-Man video game cameo.
What was your favorite Stan Lee cameo?
For me it was the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy.
What is your favorite Pre MCU Marvel film?
I prefer just seeing him wear his normal everyday clothing.
Yeah I never really liked his suit, especially the mask. I always found it goofy.
Let's agree to disagree.
1610 has a better costume but I like the 616 version better as a character.
I love Wolverine, he's my favorite X-Man, but I think he needs a new costume.
I don't care what anyone says. The Original Spider-Man trilogy will always be my favorite and nothing will ever change my mind.
I would like to see Peter and Miles travel between Universes. I don't know how Sony and Marvel's deal works but I would like to see it happen if possible. This is going to be an unpopular opinion but I also don't like Tom Holland's portrayal of Spider-Man. No disrespect to him it's just that he isn't the one I grew up with and have never really been able to like him.
If they want to put him in the MCU they will have to kill off Peter for it to be accurate to the comics but I've never really cared about comic book accuracy when it comes to comic book movies.
I think Deadpool and Punisher films are the only films that should be R rated. X-Men could be R rated or pg 13 it doesn't matter.