One: Ghost.
Two: Emp.
Three: Ouch, no faith in my team. I do and I pick me ✌️
Four: DD.
Five; Geek.
Six: Lard.
Seven: Spidey.
Eight: Undimics.
Damn. Glad it worked out after everything Zeus and Hera put her through.
Oh, I thought he knocked her up and turned her into a cow. I remember it wrong, sorry all.
Odin had his moments when it came to the ladies, no pun intended. But damn Zeus was just the worst.
Didn't Zeus also turn into a cloud to knock up some woman, then turned her into a cow to keep her from her husband.
Also in mythos Odin once dressed and pretended to a woman in order to get close to a princess in order to knock her up. But I don't know if that is actually factual to any of the Norse myth.
Oh Thor has. But that was to trick some giants and Loki was behind it.
I don't think Loki actually uses pronouns. When he is in his usual male form he just goes by that and the same for when his female. I don't think he cares and does as he likes.
I just remembered them on the cover fighting, but couldn't remember if they actually fought in the comic.
Oh yeah, thanks Slyme
I kind of remember Kraven and Omega Red fighting on the cover, did they actually fight in the comic because I can't remember?
I remember reading when Kraven's son invaded Krakoa, it was pretty cool. He used Deadpool's head to go through a gate, used the battle to sneak around and kill a number of mutants. He was trying to find the best of them to hunt and learned it was Wolverine. He kidnapped Beast to use as bait in the Danger Room, and changed it so it will be at max danger. I was hoping for a cool fight between him and Wolverine, but it ended in a blink with Kraven getting his a$$ kicked and nearly getting eaten by a T-Rex.
I wouldn't say that often, I don't think we've talked a hell of a lot in the two months I have been here. But I do remember some minor misunderstanding a few times and that's kind of it really.
But then if the writers did it like that the event and pretty much her history of going through all that craziness would have been cut in half or less.
This is Cable, the man single handedly dropped the Avengers. He could have don't any number of things to stop Bishop in order to keep Hope safe and taken her to any safe point in time or alternate timeline so she could grow up happy. Away from being hunted by the Marauders, Purifiers and the Acolytes. Which non can chase them through time.
That the thing, he could have faced Bishop or gotten help from any number of allies his made over the year and timelines. But he didn't, he chose to run from war zone to war zone with a baby. And even after Bishop was stopped he continued to raise Hope in those messed up future to the point that she came back to the present as an adult or late teens. So that is on him.
Richards is the better father because his there and takes care of his kid. Cable son wasn't his fault, Stryfe messed up Tylers head and even when free he still became a villain. But despite it not being his fault Stryfe did what he did to Tyler, he also didn't seem (from what I can remember) to really bother to help him. With Hope, he was trying to keep her safe from Bishop but he could have found a better way then raising a child in one future war zone after the other. I do believe Tyler is Stryfe's kid, even the later Cable does say Tyler is his son. It's like with Cable and Jean, Cable is Madelyne's son but he sees Jean as just as much his mother to and vice versa.
Ghost Rider takes the first three easily, Etrigan and Constantine I think will make it hard but GH is still winning. His beaten Strange almost every time they have fought and that was before he became (for a brief time) King of Hell.
Neither really, preferer Scorpion as himself and Ai Apaec before he turned himself into an eight legged black suit Spider-Man.