Marvel Database
Abner Jenkins (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 1 2 0001
Armatura Coleottero MK II
Gary Quinn (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 104 0001
Armatura Coleottero MK III
Janice Lincoln (Earth-616) from Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol 1 7 001
Armatura Coleottero MK IV

Versioni di Realtà Alternative

Beetle (Earth-1610) from Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 128 0001
Armatura Coleottero
Universo Ultimate
Abner Jenkins (Earth-12041) from Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 3 1 001
Armatura Coleottero
Universo Marvel Animato del 2010

Correlata all'Armatura Coleottero
