Marvel Database
Georges Batroc (Earth-616) from Unbelievable Gwenpool Vol 1 10 001

Versioni di Realtà Alternative · Team di Batroc · Film · Televisione · Videogiochi


Versioni realtà alternative

Georges Batroc (Earth-982) from American Dream Vol 1 2 0001
Georges Batroc (Earth-2149) from Marvel Zombies 3 Vol 1 3 001

Georges Batroc (Earth-8410) from WildThing Vol 1 6 001
Anno 2020
Georges Batroc (Earth-9997) Paradise X Special Edition Vol 1 1
Terra X
Georges Batroc (Earth-11080) from Marvel Universe Vs. The Punisher Vol 1 4 001
L'ultima pistola sulla Terra
Georges Batroc (Earth-11911) from Marvel Super Hero Squad Vol 1 4
Super Hero Squad comics
Georges Batroc (Earth-12101) from Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Vol 1 1 001
Deadpool uccide l'Universo Marvel
Georges Batroc (Earth-13264) from Secret Wars Journal Vol 1 5 0001
Le Terre Desolate
Georges Batroc (Earth-18157) from Black Panther (IDW) Vol 1 5
Georges Batroc (Earth-20051) Marvel Adventures The Avengers Vol 1 35
Marvel Adventures
Georges Batroc (Earth-22000) from Marvel Universe Millennial Visions Vol 1 1 001
Give a Guy a Break
Georges Batroc (Earth-38264) from Marvel's Avengers Captain America Vol 1 1 001
Georges Batroc (Earth-81223) from What If? Age of Ultron Vol 1 4 0001
Steve Rogers trovato morto, Frank Castle diventa Capitan America
Georges Batrook (Earth-95019) from Marvel Apes Amazing Spider-Monkey Special Vol 1 1 0001
Georges Batrook
Apes World viene invasa
No Image Male
Transformers e Action Force UK
Georges Batroc (Earth-TRN664) from Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again Vol 1 5 001
Deadpool uccide l'Universo Marvel ancora
Georges Batroc (Earth-TRN874) from Peter Parker & Miles Morales Spider-Men Double Trouble Vol 1 2 001
Georges Batroc (Earth-TRN1219) from Captain America Red, White & Blue Vol 1 1 001
Batroc (Mojomedia) (Mojoverse) from Astonishing Tales Mojoworld Vol 1 3 001
Batroc (Mojomedia)
Georges Batroc (Earth-Unknown) from Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 1 001
Georges Batroc (Earth-Unknown)




Georges Batroc (Earth-8096) from Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes Vol 2 1 0001
Wolverine e gli X-Men & Vendicatori: EMH!
Georges Batroc (Earth-12041) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 1 3 0001
Universo Marvel Animato del 2010
Georges Batroc (Earth-21127) from Black Panther (motion comic) Season 1 2 0001
Black Panther
(serie animata)

Georges Batroc (Earth-91119) from Super Hero Squad Show Season 1 17 001
Cartoni e giochi Super Hero Squad
Georges Batroc (Earth-93342) from Marvel Super-Heroes What The Season 1 47 0001
Marvel Super Heroes: What The--?!
Batroc the Leaper (Batroc) (Earth-TRN454) from Ultimate Spider-Man (animated series) Season 3 9 0001
Batroc il Saltatore (Batroc)
Terra Scambio di sesso animata
Georges Batroc (Earth-TRN1144) from Marvel Super Heroes What The-- Season 1 32 001
Lo Stupefacente Uomo Ragno il Saltatore


No Image Male
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Georges Batroc (Earth-12131) from Marvel Avengers Alliance 001
Marvel: Avengers Alliance
Baron Batroc (Earth-13122) from LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
Universo LEGO Marvel
Georges Batroc (Earth-30847) from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Fate of Two Worlds 0001
Marvel vs. Capcom
Georges Batroc (Earth-31690) from Marvel Heroes (video game)
No Image Male


Batroc's Brigade (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 1 303 0001


