Sintassi Vuota (Opzioni Standard)
{{Marvel Database:Comic Template | Image = | Image2 = | Image2Text = | Month = | Year = | ReleaseDate = | Rating = | OriginalPrice = | Editor-in-Chief = | CoverArtist1 = | Production1_1 = | Publisher1_1 = | CCO = | Quotation = | Speaker = | StoryTitle1 = | Writer1_1 = | Penciler1_1 = | Inker1_1 = | Colourist1_1 = | Letterer1_1 = | Editor1_1 = | AdaptedFrom1_1 = | Synopsis1 = | Appearing1 = '''Featured Characters:''' * <br/> '''Supporting Characters:''' * <br/> '''Antagonists:''' * <br/> '''Other Characters:''' * <br/> '''Races and Species:''' * <br/> '''Locations:''' * <br/> '''Items:''' * <br/> '''Vehicles:''' * <br/> | Solicit = | Notes = | Trivia = | Recommended = | Links = }}
Campi Ozionali
| Title = NOME SERIE FUMETTO (ie. Uncanny X-Men ) | Image = FILENAME | Volume = VOLUME | Issue = NUMERO | Month = MESE (MOSTRATA SULLA COPERTINA) | Season = STAGIONE (PRIMAVERA, ESTATE, AUTUNNO, INVERNO) (Per vecchi fumetti) | Year = ANNO (MOSTRATA SULLA COPERTINA) | Publisher = EDITORE (Other than Marvel) ex) Epic | Event = EVENTO (HOUSE OF M, SECRET INVASION, ETC) | EventName = TESTO PER EVENTUALE LINK ALL'EVENTO | Event2 = SECONDO EVENTO (Usare se c'è anche il primo Evento) | StoryArc = NOME ARCO NARRATIVO (Story arc name) | StoryArc2 = NOME SECONDO ARCO NARRATIVO | Storyline = NOME STORIA (Storyline name) | Image2 = FILENAME COPERTINE VARIANT/ALTERNATIVE (Fino a Image70) | Image2Text = TESTO COPETRTINE VARIANT/ALTERNATIVE (Artista o Tipo di Cover) | ReleaseDate = DATA USCITA FUTURA (scritto in formato "Mese-Giorno-Anno") | PreviousIssue = TITOLO (NUMERO -1) | NextIssue = TITOLO (NUMERO +1) | CustomRole1_1 = CUSTOM ROLE 1 HEADER FOR STORY 1 | CustomMembers1_1 = CUSTOM ROLE 1 TEXT FOR STORY 1 | CustomRole1_2 = CUSTOM ROLE 2 HEADER FOR STORY 1 | CustomMembers1_2 = CUSTOM ROLE 2 TEXT FOR STORY 1 | CustomRole2_1 = CUSTOM ROLE 1 HEADER FOR STORY 2 | CustomMembers2_1 = CUSTOM ROLE 1 TEXT FOR STORY 2 | Quotation = CITAZIONE | Speaker = INTERLOCUTORE | StoryTitle1 = STORIA 1, TITOLO | StoryTitle2 = STORIA 2, TITOLO | ReprintOf1 = RISTAMPA DI STORIA #1 | ReprintOf2 = RISTAMPA DI STORIA #2 | Synopsis1 = STORIA 1, SINOSSI | Synopsis2 = STORIA 2, SINOSSI | Appearing1 = STORIA 1, APPARIZIONI | Appearing1_1 = STORIA 1, APPARIZIONI (IF NOT ALL APPEARANCES CATEGORIZE - Use before the first appearance not shown) | Appearing2 = STORIA 2, APPARIZIONI | Editor-in-Chief = EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | CoverArtist1 = ARTISTA COPERTINA #1 | CoverArtist2 = ARTISTA COPERTINA #2 | Editor1_1 = STORIA 1, EDITORE #1 | Writer1_1 = STORIA 1, SCRITTORE #1 | Writer1_2 = STORIA 1, SCRITTORE #2 | Writer2_1 = STORIA 2, SCRITTORE #1 | Writer2_2 = STORIA 2, SCRITTORE #2 | Penciler1_1 = STORIA 1, DISEGNATORE#1 | Inker1_1 = STORIA 1, INCHIOSTRATORE #1 | Colourist1_1 = STORIA 1, COLORISTA #1 | Letterer1_1 = STORIA 1, LETTERER #1 | AdaptedFrom1_1 = STORIA 1, AUTORE DELLA STORIA ADATTATA #1 | AdaptedFrom1_2 = STORIA 1, AUTORE DELLA STORIA ADATTATA #2 | AdaptedFrom2_1 = STORIA 2, AUTORE DELLA STORIA ADATTATA #1 | AdaptedFrom2_2 = STORIA 2, AUTORE DELLA STORIA ADATTATA #2 | CustomSection1 = TITOLO SEZIONE PERSONALE | CustomText1 = TESTO SEZIONE PERSONALE | CustomSection2 = TITOLO SEZIONE PERSONALE | CustomText2 = TESTO SEZIONE PERSONALE
Formato Apparizioni
| Appearing1 = '''Protagonisti:''' * <br/> '''Personaggi Secondari:''' * <br/> '''Antagonisti:''' * <br/> '''Altri Personaggi:''' * <br/> '''Razze e Specie:''' * <br/> '''Luoghi:''' * <br/> '''Oggetti:''' * <br/> '''Veicoli:''' * <br/>
Manual Overrides
| Canceled = Causes the template to forever show as a solicitation. Add anything to use it. | Title = DEFAULT : PAGENAME | ImageSize = DEFAULT : 250 | ImageText = DEFAULT : PAGENAME | Gallery = DEFAULT : {{{Title|{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|0}}}}}/Covers | HeadTitle = DEFAULT : StoryTitle1 (Use iff there is a title for the volume different than the title for the first story). | BlockQuote = MULTIPLE QUOTATION : (Use {{Quote|$QUOTE|$SPEAKER}} for each quote. This is an override of Quotation for instances where multiple quotes are necessary). | Synopsis1Header = DEFAULT : Synopsis for {{{StoryTitle1}}} | Contributors1Header = DEFAULT : Contributors to {{{StoryTitle1}}} | Appearing1Header = DEFAULT : Appearing in {{{StoryTitle1}}} | AppearingCategories = *If 'No', no categories will be made from the Appearances section*
Category Magic
This template automatically categorizes articles that use it. The following is a list of categories handled: * Always: ** Category:Comics * If Defined: ** Category:{{{Year}}} ** Category:{{{Year}}}, {{{Month}}} ** Category:{{{Year}}}, {{{Season}}} ** Category:{{{Title|{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|0}}}}} Vol {{{Volume|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|1}}| |0}}}}}| {{{Issue|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|1}}| |1}}}}} ** Category:{{{Race1}}}/Appearances ** Category:{{{Location1}}}/Appearances ** Category:{{{Item1}}}/Appearances ** Category:{{{Vehicle1}}}/Appearances ** Category:{{{Editor-in-Chief}}}/Editor-in-Chief ** Category:{{{CoverArtist1}}}/Cover Artist ** Category:{{{Editor1_1}}}/Editor ** Category:{{{Writer1_1}}}/Writer ** Category:{{{Penciler1_1}}}/Penciler ** Category:{{{Inker1_1}}}/Inker ** Category:{{{Colourist1_1}}}/Colourist ** Category:{{{Letterer1_1}}}/Letterer ** Category:{{{AdaptedFrom1_1}}}/Adapted Stories ** Category:{{{Event}}} ** Category:{{{Event2}}} ** Category:{{{Publisher}}} * If Not Defined: ** Category:Cover Image Needed (if {{{Image}}} is undefined) ** Category:Comic Synopsis Needed (if {{{Synopsis1}}} is undefined) * Special Cases: ** If {{{Year}}} is defined, Category:Golden/Silver/Bronze/Copper/Modern-Age will be set
* To specify data for additional stories, add the new section and increment the number at the end, up to 79 total sub-stories. (eg. Writer1_1 -> Writers2_1 ) * Limit of 40 contributors per role for storyline 1 -- Limit of 5 contributors per role, per storyline above storyline 1. (Only 5 editors can be listed for the 3rd story, for example.) * If {{{Volume|{{#explode:{{#explode:{{PAGENAME}}|Vol|1}}| |0}}}}} is undefined, Volume 1 is assumed. * Limit of 200 variant/alternate comic cover images. * Story Arcs will be Ongoing stories (with parts) not seen in other books/titles. Usually remain under one ongoing series title and will last approx 3 issues. * Storylines will be ongoing stories with parts seen in other books/titles. Usually arc over several series, lasting many issues and sometimes involving an event.