Marvel Database
Thor Vol 6 logo

Saltando dalle leggende della mitologia norrena, l'Asgardiano Dio del Tuono, Thor Odinson, è il figlio di Odino il Padre Onnipotente e Jord, Dea Antica e spirito della Terra. Si trova spesso al fianco dei Vendicatori nella difesa del popolo di Midgard (Terra), spesso contro gli schemi del fratello adottivo Loki. In precedenza viveva in una ricreazione di Asgard in Oklahoma, usando la forma mortale di Donald Blake per fornire un ponte tra il suo popolo e i mortali che li circondano. Tuttavia, i sottili inganni di Loki e la sua manipolazione di Balder, combinati con il suo stravolgimento temporale del passato di Asgard e quello di Bor e di Odino gli consentì di bandire Thor da Asgard, privandolo dei suoi titoli, trono e potere legale, e trasferì la sua gente nella Latveria di Dottor Destino, avendo pianificato questo sin dalla sua rinascita. Thor tornò ad Asgard, appena in tempo per aiutarli in una battaglia contro gli Oscuri Vendicatori, gli X-Men e l'H.A.M.M.E.R. di Norman Osborn, uccidendo Sentry dopo aver distrutto Asgard. Sentendosi solo, Thor resuscitò suo fratello Loki e suo padre Odino e continuano a combattere per la sopravvivenza di Asgard.

Eric Masterson (Earth-616) from Mighty Thor Vol 1 443 001
Eric Masterson
(Attualmente deceduto)
Jane Foster
(Attualmente Valchiria)
(Attualmente senza uno pseudosimo)


Secret Invasion Aftermath Beta Ray Bill - The Green of Eden Vol 1 1 Textless
Beta Ray Bill
Dargo Ktor (Earth-8710) from All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 11 0001
Dargo Ktor
Thor Odinson (Skrull) (Earth-616) from Secret Invasion Vol 1 5 001
Sovversivi Skrull
Thor (Earth-253) from X-Man Vol 1 71 001
Protettorato della Gente
Benjamin Parker (Thor) (Earth-615) from Secret Wars Too Vol 1 1
Ben Parker
Cecil McAdam (Earth-928) from Spider-Man 2099 Vol 1 15 0001
Cecil McAdam
Anno 2099
Thor Odinson (Android) (Earth-1610) from Ultimates 3 Vol 1 5 001
Harold Wilson (Earth-3459) from Thor Vol 2 59 001
Harry Wilson
Mjolnir trovato su un treno
James Rhodes (Earth-12311) from Armor Wars Vol 1 3 001
Jim Rhodes
Lila Rhodes (Earth-12311) from Armor Wars Vol 1 5 003
Lila Rhodes
Benjamin Grimm (Earth-15143) from Siege Vol 2 4 001
Ben Grimm
Fantastic Thors
Jonathan Storm (Earth-15143) from Siege Vol 2 4 001
Johnny Storm
Fantastic Thors
Reed Richards (Earth-15143) from Siege Vol 2 4 001
Reed Richards
Fantastic Thors
Susan Storm (Earth-15143) from Siege Vol 2 4 001
Susan Storm
Fantastic Thors
Aldrif Doomsdottir (Earth-15513) from M.O.D.O.K. Assassin Vol 1 5 001
Aldrif Doomsdottir
A-Force Vol 2 6 Textless
Alison Blaire
Brunnhilde (Earth-15513) from A-Force Vol 1 3 0001
Gamora (Earth-15513) from A-Force Vol 1 3 0001
Thors Vol 1 2 Keown Variant Textless
Kurt Wagner (Thor Corps) (Earth-15513) from A-Force Vol 1 3 001
Kurt Wagner
Leonard Williams (Earth-15513) from Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps Vol 1 3 0001
Leonard Williams
Piotr Rasputin (Thor Corps) (Earth-15513) from A-Force Vol 1 3 001
Piotr Rasputin
Samuel Wilson (Earth-15513) from A-Force Vol 1 1
Sam Wilson
Sif (Earth-15513) from A-Force Vol 1 3 0001
Ti Asha Ra (Earth-15513) from Old Man Logan Vol 1 1
Ti Asha Ra
Carol Danvers (Earth-16045) from All-New, All-Different Avengers Vol 1 5
Carol Danvers
Carol Danvers è Thor
Thor (Earth-Unknown) from Secret Wars Too Vol 1 1 0001
Howard the Duck (Earth-Unknown) from S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 10 0004
Howard il Papero
Thor (Earth-22191) from Spider-Verse Vol 2 4
Katherine Renner (Earth-31333) from Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps Vol 1 4 001
Kit Renner
Hala Field
Maria Hill (Earth-32134) from Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders Vol 1 2 0001
Maria Hill
Mondo City
Franklin Richards (Earth-38909) from What If...? Vol 1 3 0002
Franklin Richards
Franklin Richards trova il Martello di Thor
Jonathan Clay (Earth-51920) from Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies Vol 1 4 0001
Jonathan Clay
Valley of Doom
Thorus (Earth-51910) from Thors Vol 1 1
Curt Connors (Earth-61610) from Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos Vol 1 4 001
Curt Connors
Ultimate End
Eric Brooks (Earth-61610) from Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos Vol 1 4 001
Eric Brooks
Ultimate End
Luke Cage
Luke Cage trova il martello di Thor]]
Howard the Thor (Earth-93342) from Marvel Super Heroes What The--! Season 1 44 0001
Howard il Thor
Marvel Super Heroes: What The--?!
John Jonah Jameson (Earth-94823) from Spider-Man Magazine Vol 1 4 0001
J. Jonah Jameson
What's Wrong?...Plenty
Thor Odinson (Poppupian) (Earth-95397) from What If...? Vol 1 104 0001
Il Guanto dell'Infinito & L'Uomo Impossibile
Steven Rogers (Earth-96943) from 2099 Manifest Destiny 00001
Steve Rogers
2099: Manifest Destiny
Thor (Robot) (Earth-555326) and Torunn Thorsdóttir (Earth-555326) from Next Avengers Heroes of Tomorrow 001
Next Avengers - Gli eroi di domani
Rogue (Anna Marie) (Earth-941066) from What If...? Vol 1 66 001
Anna Marie
Rogue ottiene i poteri di Thor
Jane Foster (Skrull) (Earth-Unknown) from Unbelievable Gwenpool Vol 1 25 001
Jane Foster

Jennifer Walters (Earth-Unknown) from Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 50 0004
Jen Walters

Correlato a Thor

Hammer (Hydra) (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 520 0001
Stark Odinson (Warp World) (Earth-616) from Infinity Wars Iron Hammer Vol 1 2 002
Iron Hammer
Magni Thorson (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 293 0001
Magni Thorson
Tarene (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 2 33 001
Thor Girl
Thori (Earth-616) from Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 633 001
Simon Walterson (Earth-616) from Asgardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 1 002
Torunn Thorsdóttir (Earth-TRN591) from Generations Iron Man & Ironheart Vol 1 1 001
Torunn Thorsdóttir
Jane Foster (Earth-788) from What If? Vol 1 10 002
Jane Foster: Thordis
Miguel O'Hara (Earth-928) from Marvel Annual Flair (Trading Cards) 1994 Set 0001
Precursore di Thor
Anno 2099
Thena Thorsdóttir (Earth-982) from Avengers Next Vol 1 2 0001
Thena Thorsdóttir
Thorion (Earth-9602) from Thorion of the New Asgods Vol 1 1 0001
Universo tascabile Amalgam
Iron Thor (Earth-15513) from Squadron Sinister Vol 1 1 001
Iron Thor
Peter Parker (Earth-20051) from Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol 1 40 001
Uomo Ragno
Marvel Adventures
Dino-Thor (Earth-23134) from Spider-Island Vol 1 5 001
Valley of Flame
Thor Odinson (Earth-22312) from Secret Wars Secret Love Vol 1 1 0001
Thor Hopper
Realtà del Mondo degli Insetti
Natalia Romanova (Earth-23223) from What If Age of Ultron Vol 1 3 0002
La morte prematura di Thor porta ad un Ragnarok estremo
Vaughn Zeldow (Earth-31916) from Squadron Supreme Vol 3 4 001
Wolf, Signore del Vento
Supreme Power
Gwendolyne Stacy (Earth-Unknown) from Gwen Stacy Vol 1 1 006
Gwen: Dea del Tuono
Starhawk (Earth-Unknown) from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 19 026
No Image Male
Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Exiles Vol 3 11


Church of Thor (Location) from Punisher 2099 Vol 1 2 001
Chiesa di Thor
Thor Corps (Earth-616) from Mighty Thor Vol 1 440 0001
Thor Corps
Fantastic Thors (Earth-15143) from Siege Vol 2 4 001
Fantastici Thor
Fantastic Thors