Marvel Database
Human Torch Vol 3 Logo

Due uomini usano lo pseudonimo di Torcia Umana nella continuità principale:

Jonathan Storm, il membro più giovane dei Fantastici Quattro, che ottenne super poteri dalle radiazioni cosmiche come gli altri tre membri durante un volo spaziale non autorizzato, il dottore Reed Richards, sua sorella Sue Storm e il pilota Ben Grimm.

Jim Hammond è l'originale Torcia Umana. Creato nel laboratorio di Phineas Horton, è virtualmente considerato umano e il suo corpo androide ha prodotto i suoi poteri basati sul fuoco. Ha combattuto durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale e ha vinto una medaglia d'onore per aver ucciso Adolf Hitler. Attualmente, è membro della squadra di supereroi delle black ops guidata da Occhio di Falco noto come Vendicatori Segreti. Era il mentore e il genitore adottivo di Thomas Raymond, la seconda Torcia Umana.

La "Torcia Umana" è stata creata da Carl Burgos nella sua incarnazione originale. È apparso per la prima volta in Marvel Comics Vol 1 1. (1939) La versione moderna è stata creata da Stan Lee e Jack Kirby, apparendo per la prima volta in Fantastic Four Vol 1 1. (1961)

L'elenco seguente si riferisce alle versioni alternative di Johnny Storm. Per versioni alternative di Jim Hammond, cerca in questa pagina. Altri personaggi che hanno usato il soprannome "Torcia Umana" possono essere trovati nella sezione Altri.


Versioni realtà alternative[]

Jonathan Storm (Earth-12) from Exiles Vol 1 14 0001

Realtà di Mimo
Jonathan Storm (Earth-36) from Startling Stories Thing - Night Falls on Yancy Street Vol 1 1 0001

La Cosa: E se calasse la notte
Jonathan Storm (Earth-55) from Civil War II Choosing Sides Vol 1 2 001

James Rhodes, leader dei Vendicatori
Jonathan Storm (Earth-65) from Ghost-Spider Vol 1 9

Casa di Brother Brit-Man & Spider-Gwen
Fantastic Four Annual Vol 1 1998 page 10 Jonathan Storm (Earth-98)

Tempo reale dei Fantastici Quattro
Jonathan Storm (Earth-110) from Big Town Vol 1 2

Big Town
Jonathan Storm (Earth-111) from Fantastic Four Vol 3 48 0001

Challengers di Destino
Jonathan Storm (Earth-295) from X-Universe Vol 1 1 0001

Age of Apocalypse
Jonathan Storm (Earth-311) from Marvel 1602 Fantastick Four Vol 1 4 0001

Johnathan Storm (Earth-312) from Exiles Vol 1 35 0001

La Cosa si arrabbia
Jonathan Storm (Earth-617) from Doc Samson Vol 2 4 001

Divergent per l'arrivo di Spider-Gwen
Jonathan Storm (Earth-689) from Avengers Annual Vol 1 2 0001

Scarlet Centurion cattura tutti gli eroi
Jonathan Storm (Earth-691) from Amazing Adventures Vol 2 38 0001

Guerra dei Mondi
Jonathan Storm(Earth-721) from Fantastic Force Vol 1 11 0001

Terra A
Jonathan Storm (Earth-772) from What If? Vol 1 1 0001

I Fantastici Cinque
Jonathan Storm (Earth-774) from What If? Vol 1 2 001

Hulk mantiene l'intelligenza di Banner
Jonathan Storm (Earth-804) from What If? Vol 1 20 001

Nessun Rick Jones
Jonathan Storm (Earth-811) from X-Men Vol 1 141 0001

Giorni di un Futuro Passato
Jonathan Storm (Earth-905) from What If...? Vol 1 13 001

Il Professor X diventa il Fenomeno
Jonathan Storm (Earth-906) from What If...? Vol 1 14 0001

Mar-Vell non muore
Jonathan Storm (Earth-907) from What If...? Vol 1 15 001

Reed Richards giustiziato
Jonathan Storm (Earth-917) from What If...? Vol 1 27 0001

[[Fantastic Five: Namor
Jonathan Storm (Earth-928) Doom 2099 Vol 1 1

Anno 2099
Jonathan Storm (Earth-938) from What If...? Vol 1 52 0001

Destino diventa lo Stregone Supremo
Jonathan Storm (Earth-944) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 390

Realtà di Dark Raider
Jonathan Storm (Earth-952) from What If...? Vol 1 70 001

Fantastic Four: Heralds
Jonathan Storm (Earth-957) from What If...? Vol 1 75 0001

Sopravvive Blink di Generation X
Jonathan Storm (Earth-958) from What If...? Vol 1 76 001

Peter Parker inventa Spider-Man
Jonathan Storm (Earth-969) from What If...? Vol 1 89 001

I Fantastici Quattro non si formano
Jonathan Storm (Earth-982) from Fantastic Five Vol 1 1 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-989) from What If...? Vol 1 109 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-1000) from Domination Factor Fantastic Four Vol 1 4.7 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-1089) from What If...? Vol 1 4 001

Spider-Man si tiene il simbionte
Jonathan Storm (Earth-1102) from What If? Vol 1 200 001

Uatu uccide Galactus
Jonathan Storm (Earth-1112) from Fantastic Four Vol 3 47 0001

Malice uccide i Fantastici Quattro
Jonathan Storm (Earth-1298) from Mutant X Vol 1 2 0001

Mutante X
Jonathan Storm (Earth-1611) from The Age of the Sentry Vol 1 2 0001

Age of Sentry
Jonathan Storm (Earth-1815) from Exiles Vol 1 2 0001

Ha successo l'Operazione Zero Tolleranza
Jonathan Storm (Earth-1987) from Exiles Vol 1 69 0001

She-Hulk rimane con i Fantastici Quattro
Jonathan Storm (Earth-2010) from Paradise X Heralds Vol 1 1

Tutti gli Umani sono Vampiri
Jonathan Storm (Earth-2021) from Marvel Universe Millennial Visions Vol 1 1 001

Death of Fearsome Four
Jonathan Storm (Earth-2081) from Incredible Hulk The End Vol 1 1 0001

Hulk: The End
Jonathan Storm (Earth-2108) from What If? Civil War Vol 1 1 001

Capitan America guida tutti gli eroi contro la Registrazione]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-2149) from Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol 1 22 0001


Jonathan Storm (Earth-2189) from Exiles Vol 1 47 0001

Casa di Namora
(Realtà Jumper)

Jonatha Storm (Earth-2301) from New Mangaverse- The Rings of Fate Vol 1 3
Jonatha Storm
Jonathan Storm (Earth-2988) from What If...? Vol 1 111 0001

Wolverine: Cavaliere di Apocalisse
Jonathan Storm (Earth-4162) from Exiles Vol 1 53 0001

Pianeta Vivente
Human Torch (Earth-4321) from Marvel Universe The End Vol 1 1 001

La Fine dell'Universo Marvel
Jonathan Storm (Earth-4400) from Exiles Vol 1 45 001

Comics:X-Men Deluxe 124Gli eroi vengono eliminati da Hyperion
Jonathan Storm (Earth-5631) Fantastic Four and Power Pack Vol 1 1

Marvel Age Power Pack
Jonathan Storm (Earth-5692) from Exiles Vol 1 9 0001

Invasione Skrull
Jonathan Storm (Earth-5700) from Weapon X Days of Future Now Vol 1 4 0001

Days of Future Now
Jonathan Storm (Earth-6001) from Hulked-Out Heroes Vol 1 2 001

La caduta degli Hulk
Jonathan Storm (Earth-6513) from Franklin Richards Son of a Genius Vol 1 1 001

Franklin Richards:
SFiglio di un Genio

Jonathan Storm (Earth-6706) from New Exiles Vol 1 1 001

Casa di Remy
(Realtà Jumper)
Jonathan Storm (Earth-6716) from Fantastic Four A Death in the Family Vol 1 1 001

Fantastici Quattro:
Una Morte in Famiglia

Jonathan Storm (Earth-6730) from 4 Vol 1 30 0001

Sue ritarda il volo spaziale
Jonathan Storm (Earth-7121) from What If? Planet Hulk Vol 1 1 001

Hulk muore salvando Caiera
Jonathan Storm (Earth-7187) from Mythos Fantastic Four Vol 1 1 001

Fantastic Four: Mythos
Jonathan Storm (Earth-7475) from Alpha Flight Vol 1 75 001

Dominio dei supereroi
Jonathan Storm (Earth-7642)from Gen¹³ Fantastic Four Vol 1 1 001

Johnny Storm (Earth-7712) from What If? Vol 1 6 001

I Fantastici Quattro hanno poteri diversi
Jonathan Storm (Earth-7940) Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 100

La Cosa uccide Teschio Rosso
Jonathan Storm (Earth-7958) from Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 52 001

Crossfire fa il lavaggio del cervello ai Fantastici Quattro
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8041) from Nova Annual Vol 1 1 0001

Phalanx conquista la Terra
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8101) from Marvel Apes Vol 1 1 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-8110) from What If? Vol 1 29 001

I Vendicatori si ritirano
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8212) from What If? Vol 1 36 0001

Reed Richards gruppo di razzi
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8222) from What If? Vol 1 31 001

La Cosa diventa una minaccia
Simian Torch (Earth-8311) from Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham Vol 1 12 001

Terra Larvale
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8312) from What If? Vol 1 42 001

Sue muore durante il parto
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8321) from What If? Vol 1 37 001

La Cosa continua a mutare
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8327) from What If? Vol 1 37 0001

Silver Surfer perde i suoi poteri cosmici
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8417) from Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 137 0001

May Parker diventa Golden Oldie:
Araldo di Galactus

Jonathan Storm (Earth-8441) from Black Panther Annual Vol 1 1 0001

Registrazione di suoerumani in tutto il mondo
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8454) from What If...? Vol 1 54 001

Death's Head vive
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8466) from Fantastic Four the Lost Adventure Vol 1 1

Fantastici Quattro: Speciale 20° Anniversario
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8545) from Exiles Vol 1 21 0001

Il virus Legacy si fonde con Warlock
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8720) from New Mutants Vol 1 48 0001

Giorni di un Futuro Passato alternativo
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8861) from What If? Special Vol 1 1 0001

Iron Man schiavizzato da Chen Lu
Jonathan Storm (Earth-8910) from Excalibur Vol 1 14 0001

Lotta costante all'Uomo Impossibile
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9009) from What If...? Vol 1 17 001

Kraven uccide Spider-Man]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9011) from What If...? Vol 1 18 0001

I Fantastici Quattro combattono Destino prima di ottenere i loro poteri
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9021) from What If? House of M Vol 1 1 001

'No More Powers'
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9031) from What If...? Vol 1 11 001

Infiammati Fantastici Quattro
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9032) from What If...? Vol 1 11 001

Allungabili Fantastici Quattro
What If...? Vol 1 11 page 18 Jonathan Storm (Earth-9033)

Mostruosi Fantastici Quattro
What If...? Vol 1 11 page 27 Jonathan Storm (Earth-9034)

Invisibili Fantastici Quattro
Sonny Storm (Earth-9047) from What The--?! Vol 1 2 001
Scottatura Umana
(Sonny Storm)

Casa di Cookies & Milk
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9112) from What If...? Vol 1 33 0001

La Fenice non muore
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9140) from What If...? Vol 1 24 001

Punisher uccide Wolverine-Signore dei Vampiri
Jim Hammond (Earth-9151) and Jonathan Storm (Earth-9151) from What If...? Vol 1 25 0001

Set Conquista l'Universo
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9200) from Hulk Future Imperfect Vol 1 2 001

Futuro Imperfetto
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9230) What If? Fallen Son Vol 1 1

Tony Stark assassinato da Tom Foster
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9290) from What If...? Vol 1 41 0001

I Fantastici Quattro guidati da Keith Richards
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9510) from What If...? Vol 1 83 001

Fantastici Quattro uccisi da De'lila
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9511) from The Last Avengers Story Vol 1 2 001

L'ultima storia dei Vendicatori
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9591) from Ruins Vol 1 2 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-9602) from Challengers of the Fantastic Vol 1 1 001

Universo tascabile Amalgam
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9811) from What If...? Vol 1 114 page 05

Secret Wars
25 annni dopo

Jonathan Storm (Earth-9871) from What If...? Vol 1 110 0001

[Utopia di Dr. Destino
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9907) Spider-Girl Vol 1 57

What If...? Vol 1 5 page 12 Jonathan Storm (Earth-9916)

Wonder Man salva i Vendicatori
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9921) from Gambit Vol 3 24 001

New Son
Jonathan Storm (Earth-9997) Paradise X Vol 1 1

Terra X
Jonathan Storm (Earth-10011) from Annihilation - Scourge Fantastic Four Vol 1 1 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-10021) from What If? Secret Invasion Vol 1 1 001

Gli Skrulls portano a termine la loro Invasione Segreta
Jonathan Storm (Earth-10112) from Shame Itself Vol 1 1 0001

Opzioni salutari per Eroi
Jonathan Storm (Earth-10223) from What If? World War Hulk Vol 1 1 0001

Gli eroi perdono la World War Hulk
Jonathan Storm (Earth-10631) from Captain America Who Won't Wield the Shield Vol 1 1 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-11035) from Thor First Thunder Vol 1 5 0001

Thor attacca New York
Jonathan Storm (Earth-11080) from Marvel Universe Vs. The Punisher Vol 1 1 001

L'ultima pistola sulla Terra
Jonathan Storm (Earth-11127) from Defenders Vol 4 11 001

Difensori riuniti contro Nul
Jonathan Storm (Earth-11201) from Shame Itself Vol 1 1 001

Johnny diventa la Hunan Torch
Jonathan Storm (Earth-11326) from Age of X Historical Log Vol 1 4 001

Age of X
Jonathan Storm (Earth-11418) from Captain America Corps Vol 1 3 0001

America ultra-nazionalista
Jonathan Storm (Earth-11911) from Marvel Super Hero Squad Vol 1 4

Super Hero Squad comics
Jonathan Storm (Earth-11947) from What If...? Vol 1 67 0001

Capitan America viene rianimato oggi
Jonathan Storm (Earth-12091) from Space Punisher Vol 1 2 0001

Space Punisher
Jonathan Storm (Earth-12101) from Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Vol 1 1 001

Deadpool uccide l'Universo Marvel
Jonathan Storm (Earth-12665) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 605 001

La Cosa continua con i Fantastici Quattro per oltre 1000 anni
Jonathan Storm (Earth-13017) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 700 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-13266) from Fantastic Four Vol 4 11 001

Realtà natale di Vecchio Johnny Storm
Jeanie (Earth-13277) from Marvel Year-In-Review Vol 1 5
Jonathan Storm (Earth-13584) Dark Avengers Vol 1 189

A.I.M. distorce New York
Jonathan Storm (Earth-13769) from Daredevil Vol 3 26

Jonathan Storm (Earth-14257) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 700.5 0001

La Cosa viaggia ai giorni presenti per fare uno scherzo alla Torcia Umana
Jonathan Storm (Earth-14621) from Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 200 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-14923) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 27 001

Casa di Matthew Malloy
Jonathan Storm (Earth-15143) from Siege Vol 2 4 001

Fantastic Thors
Jonathan Storm (Earth-15164) from Nova Vol 4 33 0001

I Fantastici Quattro non hanno mai ottenuto i loro poteri
Jonathan Storm (Earth-15320) from All-New X-Factor Vol 1 20 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-16220) from Spidey Vol 1 11 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-18138) from Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol 1 3 001

Il Rider cresce Thanos come un figlio
Jonathan Storm (Earth-18264) from Unlimited Access Vol 1 4 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-18466) from Marvel 2-In-One Vol 1 6 002

Jonathan Storm (Earth-19121) from Marvel Zombies Resurrection Vol 2 2 001

[[[Marvel Zombies: Resurrezione Vol 1 1|Marvel Zombies: Resurrezione]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-19529) from Spider-Man Life Story Vol 1 3 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-19936) from Dark Reign Fantastic Four Vol 1 4 001

Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 4 Textless

Marvel Adventures
Jonathan Storm (Earth-20604) from Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol 1 28 0001

Ultimate Thor Presidente
Jonathan Storm (Earth-20653) Captain America and Black Widow Vol 1 640

La Torica Umana controllata da Vennema Mmultiversal
Jonathan Storm (Earth-21050) from Marvel Zombies Evil Evolution Vol 1 1 0001

Gli Zombie scoprono le Scimmie
Jonathan Storm (Earth-21119) from What If? Vol 1 200 001

Norman Osborn vince l'Assedio
Jonathan Storm (Earth-21619) from Spider-Man Spider's Shadow Vol 1 1 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-21993) from What If...? Vol 1 46 001

able distrugge gli X-Men
Jonathan Storm (Earth-24883) from What If? Vol 1 34 001

Molecole instabili
Jonathan Storm (Earth-28918) from What If...? Vol 1 28 0001

Captain America guida l'esercito americano]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-29007) Dark Reign Fantastic Four Vol 1 3

New Battleworld
Jonathan Storm (Earth-30987) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 303

La Cosa evita Secret Wars
Jonathan Storm (Earth-31117) from Captain America Vol 4 19 001

I Nazisti conquistano la Terra
Jonathan Storm (Earth-33900) from AAFES Vol 1 7 001

Universo AAFES
Jonathan Storm (Earth-39758) from Dark Reign Fantastic Four Vol 1 3 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-41609) from Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 200 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-42777) from Exiles Vol 1 23 0001

Iron Doom
Jonathan Storm (Earth-49487) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 387

La Donna Invisibile e Mr. Fantastici vengono uccisi da Dark Raider
Jonathan Storm (Earth-50302) from Marvel Age Fantastic Four Vol 1 1 001

Marvel Age
Jonathan Storm (Earth-50810) in Marvel MegaMorphs Doctor Octopus Vol 1 1

Marvel Megamorphs
Jonathan Storm (Earth-53101) from Thor First Thunder Vol 1 5 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-57780) from Spidey Super Stories Vol 1 20 001

Spidey Super Stories
Jonathan Storm (Earth-58942) from What If...? Vol 1 58 0001

Il Punitore uccide Spider-Man
Jonathan Storm (Earth-60907) from Dark Reign Fantastic Four Vol 1 3 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-61112) from Fantastic Four Vol 4 5AU 001

Age of Ultron
Jonathan Storm (Earth-61311) from Secret Empire Vol 1 10 0001

Linea temporale di Kobik
Jonathan Storm (Ultimate) (Earth-61610) from Ultimate End Vol 1 3

Ultimate End
Jonathan Storm (Earth-63932) from What If? Vol 1 29 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-64894) from What If...? Vol 1 64 001

L'armatura di Iron Man viene resa pubblica
Jonathan Storm (Earth-66209) Mini Marvels Ultimate Collection Vol 1 1

World War Hulk: La Resa dei Conti
Jonathan Storm (Earth-66881) from Exiles Vol 3 4

Una Cosa alternativa è Blackbeard
Jonathan Storm (Earth-68326) Avengers and Power Pack Assemble! Vol 1 4

I Power Pack sono gli unici eroi rimasti a combattere Kang
Jonathan Storm (Earth-70105) from Bullet Points Vol 1 3 001

Bullet Points
Jonathan Storm (Earth-71016) from The Last Fantastic Four Story Vol 1 1 0001

Ultima Storia dei Fantastici Quattro
Jonathan Storm (Earth-71156) from Franklin Richards Happy Franksgiving Vol 1 1 0001

I tacchini sono la specie dominante
Jonathan Storm (Earth-71166) from Fantastic Four The End Vol 1 3 001

Fantastic Four: The End
Jonathan Storm (Earth-77013) Spider-Man Newspaper Strips

Spider-Man newspaper strip
Jonathan Storm (Earth-77119) from Silver Surfer Requiem Vol 1 1 001

Silver Surfer muore
Jonathan Storm (Earth-77640) from Peter Parker Vol 1 1 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-79715) from What If? Vol 1 15 001

Helen Taylor ottiene i poteri di Nova
Jonathan Storm (Earth-80219) from What If? Vol 1 19 001

Spider-Man non diventa un combatti-criminali
Jonathan Storm (Earth-81122) from Ultimate Fantastic Four X-Men Vol 1 1 002

Gli Ultimate Fantastici Quattro del futuro comandano un regime anti-mutante
Jonathan Storm (Earth-81156) from New Warriors Vol 4 20 0001

Dwayne Taylor è Iron Man
Jonathan Storm (Earth-81191) from Iron Age Alpha Vol 1 1 001

La Terra distrutta dalla Fenice Oscura
Jonathan Storm (Earth-81426) from What If? Vol 1 26 001

Capitan America eletto presidente degli Stati Uniti
Jonathan Storm (Earth-81551) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 553 001

Richards mette fine a guerre, carestie, malattie
Johnny Storm (Earth-82801) from What If? Vol 1 34 001

I Fantastici Quattro sono letteralmente banane
Jonathan Storm (Earth-82827) from What If? Vol 1 34 001

Willie Lumpkin: araldo di Galactus]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-82834) from What If? Vol 1 34 0001

Sue Storm: la Cosa
Jonathan Storm (Earth-89112) from What If...? Vol 1 6 0001

Gli X-Men perdono Inferno
Jonathan Storm (Earth-89721) from What If...? Vol 1 1 001

I Vendicatori perdono la Guerra Evoluzionaria
Jonathan Storm (Earth-89768) from Fred Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe Vol 1 1 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-90110) from What If...? Vol 1 19 001

Utopia di Ultravision
Jonathan Storm (Earth-90125) from Superman Vol 2 50 0001

I Fantastici Quattro vengono minacciati da Mister Mxyzptlk]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-90211) from What If? Wolverine Father Vol 1 1 0001

Deadpool impossessato da Venom
Jonathan Storm (Earth-90251) from What If? Secret Wars Vol 1 1 0001

Destino mantiene i poteri dell'Arcano
Jonathan Storm (Earth-90266) from What If Newer Fantastic Four Vol 1 1 0001

I Nuovi Fantastici Quattro
Jonathan Storm (Earth-91111) from What If...? Vol 1 30 0001

La Donna Invisibile muore durante il secondo parto
Jonathan Storm (Earth-91112) from What If...? Vol 1 30 0001

Mary Richards Leader tranquillo
Jonathan Storm (Earth-91113) from Ms. Marvel Special Storyteller Vol 1 1 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-91600) from What If...? Vol 1 26 001

Punisher uccide Daredevil
Jonathan Storm (Earth-92164) from What If...? Vol 1 44 0001

Venom possiede il Punitore
Jonathan Storm (Earth-92210) from What If...? Vol 1 34 0001

Sue Richards: la Donna Visibile
Jonathan Storm (Earth-92335) from What If...? Vol 1 35 0001

Franklin Richards non salvato dalla barra di controllo cosmica]]
Jonathon Storm (Earth-92459) from Excalibur Vol 1 49 0001

Casa dell'X-Plorers
Jonathan Storm (Earth-93165) from What If...? Vol 1 55 0001

I Vendicatori perdono la guerra Kree-Shi'ar
Jack Storm (Earth-93563) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 563 0003
Jack Storm
Eroi uccisi da Marquis of Death
Simian Torch (Earth-94024) from Amazing Spider-Man Family Vol 1 4 001
Simian Torch
Casa di Swiney Girl
Jonathan Storm (Earth-94274) from Sub-Mariner Vol 2 6 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-94535) from Deadpool The End Vol 1 1 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-94561) from What If...? Vol 1 61 0001

I genitori di Spider-Man lo incastrano di omicidio
Jonathan Storm (Earth-94626) from Nova Vol 2 6 001

Nova non riesce a prevenire Deathstorm]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-95019) from Marvel Apes Amazing Spider-Monkey Special Vol 1 1 001

Apes World viene invasa
Jonathan Storm (Earth-95122) from Fantastic Force Vol 1 12 0001

Fantastici Quattro con poteri alternativi
Jonathan Storm (Earth-95126) from Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe Vol 1 1 001

Punitore : La morte dell'Universo Marvel
Jonathan Storm (Earth-95371) from What If...? Vol 1 71 0001

La Bomba Gamma cade nel Giappone durante la 2a GM
Jonathan Storm (Earth-96433) from Dark Reign Fantastic Four Vol 1 2 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-96662) Dark Reign Fantastic Four Vol 1 3

Jonathan Storm (Earth-97102) from What If...? Vol 1 100 0001

Sue mandata in un mondo simile a quello di Oz
Jonathan Storm (Earth-97103) from What If...? Vol 1 100 0001

Destino uccide Marquis of Death
Jonathan Storm (Earth-97567) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 567 001

Destino uccide Marquis of Death
Jonathan Storm (Earth-97751) from What If? Vol 1 15 0001

I criminali ottengono i poteri di Nova
Jonathan Storm (Earth-98105) Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 439

Gli archeologi Zack e Lana trovano uno dei lancia-ragnatela di Spider-Man
Jonathan Storm (Earth-98121) Spider-Man Chapter One Vol 1 2

Spider-Man: Chapter One
Jonathan Sturm (Earth-98570) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 605.1 001
Jonathan Sturm
Casa di Reed Richards
(Leader del Partito Nazista)

Jonathan Storm (Earth-98630) from Timeslip Collection Vol 1 1 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-99062) Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol 1 14

Jonathan Storm (Earth-99315) from Fantastic Four Vol 3 15

I Kree conquistano la Terra
Jonathan Storm (Earth-187319) from Exiles Vol 1 98 0001

Destino mette fine alla fame e alle malattie
Jonathan Storm (Earth-200502) from What Huh Vol 1 1 0001

Andrew Jackson sostituisce la Cosa
Jonathan Storm (Earth-200506) from Wha...Huh? Vol 1 1 0001

Vi è Crisi d'Identità nell Universo Marvel
Jonathan Storm (Earth-200513) from What Huh Vol 1 1 0001

I Fantastici Quattro vanno sulla Luna
Jonathan Storm (Earth-523003) from What If Doctor Doom Had Become the Thing Vol 1 1 0001

Il Dottor Destino è la Cosa
Jonathan Storm (Earth-808122) from Hero Initiative Mike Wieringo Vol 1 1 0001

De'Lila uccide i Fantastici Quattro
Jonathan Storm (Earth-820231) from What If? Vol 1 31 0001

Wolverine uccide Hulk
Jonathan Storm (Earth-840645) from What If? Vol 1 45 0001

La mente di Hulk si unisce a quella di Rick Jones]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-900651) from Marvel Fanfare Vol 1 51 001

Mantis rcresce suo figlio Sprout sulla Terra
Jonathan Storm (Earth-941066) from What If...? Vol 1 66 001

Rogue ottiene i poteri di Thor
Jonathan Storm (Earth-333333333) from Marvel Team-Up (UK) Vol 1 4 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN122) from Hulked-Out Heroes Vol 1 1 001

La Cosa rimane Barbanera
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN237) from X-Factor Forever Vol 1 3 0001

X-Factor Forever
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN246) from Deadpool Killustrated Vol 1 1 001

Deadpool Uccide i Classici
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN307) from Spectacular Spider-Man (UK) Vol 1 120 001

Reed Richards conquista la Terra
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN423) Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 45

Mordecai Midas membro dei Fantastici Cinque]]
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN424) from Marvel Comics Presents Vol 1 18 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN425) Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 47
Mister Fantastic
Ben Grimm diventa Hulk
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN483) Spider-Girl Vol 1 19

Courtney Duran è Spider-Girl
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN522) Ultimate Avengers Vol 1 14

Eroi Vampiri
John Storm
Von Doom International
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN566) from Adventures of Spider-Man Vol 1 6

Prima del Big Bang
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN713) from Groot Vol 1 2 0001

L'arrivo di Grootlactus
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN743) from You Are Deadpool Vol 1 2 001

Tu sei Deadpool
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN783) from Deadpool's Art of War Vol 1 3

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN830) from Crazy Vol 3 1 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN833) from Crazy Vol 3 1 0001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN841) from Spider-Man Deadpool Vol 1 49 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN844) from Daredevil Vol 1 612 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN905) from Marvel Holiday Special 2004 Vol 1 1 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN921) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 7 002

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN923) from Topps Krazy Little Comics Vol 1 3 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN947) from Reckoning War Trial of the Watcher Vol 1 1 003





Jonathan Storm (Earth-94000) from Fantastic Four (1994 film) Promo 001

Film dei Fantastici Quattro non rilasciato
Jonathan Storm (Earth-121698) from Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer (film) Promo 0001

Film e videogame dei Fantastici Quattro del 2000



Jonathan Storm (Earth-8096) from Avengers- Earth's Mightiest Heroes (animated series) Season 2 1 001

Wolverine e gli X-Men & Vendicatori: EMH!
Jonathan Storm (Earth-12041) from Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. Season 1 25 001

Universo Marvel Animato del 2010
Jonathan Storm (Earth-17154) from Marvel Super Hero Adventures (animated series) Season 4 8 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-91119) from Marvel Super Hero Squad Online 002

Cartoni e giochi Super Hero Squad
Jonathan Storm (Earth-135263) from Fantastic Four World's Greatest Heroes Season 1 24 0001

I Fantastici 4 - I più grandi eroi del mondo
Jonathan Storm (Earth-534834) from Fantastic Four (1994 animated series) Season 2 4 0001

Marvel Action Hour degli anni '90
Jonathan Storm (Earth-700089) from Fantastic Four (1967 animated series) Season 1 11 0001

Serie animata del 1967 sui Fantastici Quattro


Jonathan Storm (Earth-6109) from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 0001

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Jonathan Storm (Earth-12131) from Marvel Avengers Alliance 001

Marvel: Avengers Alliance
Jonathan Storm (Earth-13122) from LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 002

Universo LEGO Marvel
Johnny Storm (Earth-13178) from Marvel Puzzle Quest 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-20824) from Spider-Man (2000 video game) 001

Jonathan Storm (Earth-30847) from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Fate of Two Worlds 0001

Marvel vs. Capcom
Jonathan Storm (Earth-50701) from Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects 002

Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN005) from Ultimate Spider-Man (video game) 0001

Ultimate Spider-Man videogame
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN009) from Spider-Man Web of Shadows 001

Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows
(PS3, Xbox 360, Wii e PC)


Videogame dei Fantastici Quattro del 1997
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN219) from Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth 0001

Marvel Avengers: Battaglia per la Terra
Jonathan Storm (Earth-TRN789) from Marvel Super War



Jonathan Storm (Counter-Earth) (Earth-616) from Warlock Vol 1 6 001
Jonathan Storm di Contro-Terra
Universo Prime Marvel
Jonathan Storm (Skrull Zombie) (Earth-2149) from Black Panther Vol 4 30 001
Skrull Sovversivo
Jonathan Storm (Clone) (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 329
Jonathan Storm (Project Doppelganger LMD) (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Deadpool Vol 1 30 001
Jonathan Storm (Onslaught Reborn) (Earth-616) from Onslaught Reborn Vol 1 4 001
Jonathan Storm
(Onslaught Rinato)

Universo Prime Marvel
Jonathan Storm (Doppelganger) (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 368 001
Doppelganger di Magus della Guerra dell'Infinito
Universo Prime Marvel
Jonathan Storm (Clone) (Earth-802) from Scarlet Spiders Vol 1 2 001
Base di Jennix
Sol Brodsky (Earth-1228) from What If? Vol 1 11 001
Sol Brodsky
Marvel Bullpen Fantastici Quattro
Human Torch (Earth-8377) from Daredevils Vol 1 9 001
Torcia Umana
What If...? Vol 1 11 page 05 Benjamin Grimm (Earth-9031)
Ben Grimm
Infiammati Fantastici Quattro
Human Torch (Earth-9105) from New Warriors Vol 1 12 0001
Torcia Umana
Per Sempre Ieri
Human Torch (Earth-12665) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 605 001
Torcia Umana
La Cosa continua con i Fantastici Quattro per oltre 1000 anni
Peter Parker (Earth-Unknown) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 -1 0003
Peter Parker
Jonathan Storm (Clone) (Earth-21923) from Avengers of the Wastelands Vol 1 2 001
Clode di Dottor Destino
Le Terre Desolate
Torcia Umana ("Johnny Storm")
Cosa è accaduto alla famiglia Richards?
Jonathan Storm (Earth-89112) from What If...? Vol 1 6 001
Jonathan Storm, Jr.
Gli X-Men perdono Inferno
Jonathan Storm (Poppupian) (Earth-95397) from What If...? Vol 1 104 0001
Il Guanto dell'Infinito & L'Uomo Impossibile
Relur (Earth-96099) from Timestorm 2009 2099 Vol 1 3 001
Tempesta Temporale 2099
Jonathan Storm (Uatu's creation) (Earth-96943) from 2099 Manifest Destiny Vol 1 1
Creazione di Uatu
2099: Manifest Destiny
Human Torch (Earth-333333333) from Fantastic Four (UK) Vol 1 20 0001
Torcia Umana
Lee Minh Cam (Earth-TRN421) from 100th Anniversary Special - Fantastic Four
Lee Minh Cam
Anno 2061


Correlato a Torcia Umana

Inhuman Torch (Earth-616) from Torch Vol 1 6 001
Torcia Inumana
Fantastic Four Vol 1 522 Textless
Uomo Invisibile
Prince Morningstar (Eurth) (Earth-616) from Avataars Covenant of the Shield Vol 1 2 0001
Principe Morningstar
Universo Prime Marvel
Human Scorch (Android) (Earth-665) from Not Brand Echh Vol 1 1 0001
Scorch Umana
Marble Earth
Johnny (Earth-6706) from New Exiles Vol 1 3 001
Casa di Remy
(Realtà Jumper)
Asinine Torch (Earth-8311) from Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham Vol 1 9 0001
Torcia Asinina
Terra Larvale
Finnigan, la Scorch Umana
Casa di Cookies & Milk
All-Star Winners Squadron (Earth-9602) from Super-Solder Man of War Vol 1 1 0001
Lanterna Umana
Universo tascabile Amalgam
Jonathan Stormtrooper (Earth-9602) from Challengers of the Fantastic Vol 1 1 0001
Jonathan Stormtrooper
Universo tascabile Amalgam
Matthew Storm (Earth-9811) from What If...? Vol 1 114 001
Secret Wars
25 annni dopo

Kamala Khan (Earth-16127) from All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual Vol 1 1 002
Ms. Marvel
Realtà video game Squirrel Girl vs. Ms. Marvel
Peter Boyer (Earth-31916) from Squadron Supreme Vol 3 11 001
Peter Boyer
Supreme Power
James Storm (Earth-90110) from What If...? Vol 1 36 0001
Torcia Tachionica
Utopia di Ultravision
Dinotorch (Earth-99476) from Excalibur Vol 1 51 0001