Ögedei Khan was the third son of Genghis Khan and second khagan-emperor of the Mongol Empire, succeeding his father.[1]
In 1242 AD he sent General Subutai to invade Europe with the Mongol horde. The Eternal; Kingo Sunen learned that Druig was marching with them and believed he was controlling their minds. He confronted him at a campfire and the warrior fired arrows at him but Kingo just plucked them out of the air. Druig revealed the truth that he was not controlling the Mongols, and he has had nothing to do with the rise of the Mongol Empire nor their brutally efficient methods he was just there to study them. Druig suggested that if he wanted to stop them he should assassinate Subutai. Kingo crept into the leader's tent but could not bring himself to do it, fearing he would become like Druig. The next day; Subutai and his Horde returned home and Druig has stayed to meet with Kingo. He explained that Ogedei Khan had died of a stroke and the Mongols must return home to select a new ruler. Druig claimed not to have known what was happened but stated that if he killed Subutai the Horde would have continued into Europe killing thousands more.[1]