Like his Earth-616 counterpart, Doctor Cornelius was a disgraced “mercy killer” doctor who was recruited into the Weapon X program by Truett Hudson, also known as the Professor. Doctor Cornelius already had the questionable legal and ethical background required for the program, and he was charged with overseeing the medical aspects of the Adamantium-bonding process.
On Earth-199406, a former Canadian Marine, Guy Desjardins, was subjected to the bonding process when Logan escaped capture, an operation that was overseen by Doctor Cornelius. Unfortunately, not only did the process mare him with Adamantium spikes sprouting from his knuckles, the process thoroughly unhinged him. Doctor Cornelius could find no means of controlling him outside of fitting him with cybernetic devices that constantly fed him adrenaline and tranquilizers as needed. As a result, Truett Hudson declared the experiment a failure, passing Weapon X onto the experimental Flight program of James Hudson, both as a potential agent as well as to observe the maddened Desjardins from a distance.
When Weapon X broke loose and went on a cross-country killing spree, Doctor Cornelius was watching a TV news reports alongside Truett Hudson and Carol Hines when Logan broke into their laboratory. Doctor Cornelius blurted out that he was their intended target for the experiment, enraging Logan that he could have been turned into the homicidal maniac who had killed a friend’s husband among so many others.
Doctor Abraham Cornelius’ whereabouts and activities following these events are unknown, although he was presumably among those sought out by the authorities when Logan released the Weapon X files to the media.