As a young boy, Fukyama agreed to a procedure that placed a machine deep inside his cerebral cortex. Though the process was so painful that he screamed for days, it gave him telepathic abilities. With a basket over his head to conceal his disfigurement, Admiral Fukyama eventually became the head of Division 3, communicating only through the android Vermillions and describing themselves as "the machine that bleeds".[1]
Telepathy: The procedure granted Fukyama strong telepathic powers.
- Marc Oka portrays Admiral Fukyama in Legion.
See Also
- 6 appearance(s) of Admiral Fukyama (Earth-17040)
- 2 minor appearance(s) of Admiral Fukyama (Earth-17040)
- 2 mention(s) of Admiral Fukyama (Earth-17040)
- 3 image(s) of Admiral Fukyama (Earth-17040)
- 1 item(s) used/owned by Admiral Fukyama (Earth-17040)