Everyone is vulnerable to being caught off guard...everyone. Do not enter my saucer without permission again, is that understood?
Appearing in "The Sale/The Dragon's Corridor (Part 1)"
Featured Characters:
- Agents of Atlas / Department Zero (Main story and flashback)
- Jimmy Woo (Main story and flashback)
- Venus (Main story and flashback)
- Gorilla-Man (Ken Hale) (Main story and flashback)
- Marvel Boy / Uranian (Bob Grayson) (Main story and flashback)
- Human Robot (M-11) (Main story and flashback)
- Namora (Aquaria Neptunia)
Supporting Characters:
- Atlas Foundation
- Cary "Kit" Dekum (Only in flashback)
- Suwan (Only in flashback)
- A.T.F
- Grizzly (Maxwell Markham)
- Unnamed agents
- Soviet agents (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- United States Air Force (Only in flashback)
- Major Garland (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Chuck Yeager (Mentioned)
- Phantom Pilot (Only in flashback)
- H.A.M.M.E.R. (Mentioned)
- Norman Osborn (Mentioned)
- Sentry (Bob Reynolds) (Mentioned)
- Wernher von Braun (Mentioned)
- Jann of the Jungle (Jane Hastings) (Mentioned)
- President Eisenhower (Mentioned)
- Yellow Claw (Plan Chu) (Mentioned)
- Mandarin (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- United States of America
- California
- Antelope Valley
- Edwards Air Force Base (Main story and flashback)
- Chabot Observatory (Only in flashback)
- San Francisco (Only in flashback)
- Tiki Hut (Only in flashback)
- Hidden City (Appears on screen)
- California
- Mongolia (Mentioned)
- Pacific Ocean (Mentioned)
- United States of America
- Uranus (Mentioned)
- Moon (Mentioned)
- Frequency Cannon
- Alpha Band (Main story and flashback)
- Quantum Bands (Only in flashback)
- Mandarin's Rings (Mentioned)
- Uranian Flying Saucer
- Silver Bullet (Only in flashback)
- Jimmy Woo's Car (Only in flashback)
- Bell X-1 (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "The Sale/The Dragon's Corridor (Part 1)"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Norman Osborn's shadow government looks to pull ahead in the arms race with the help of the Atlas Foundation and the Uranian weaponry of the world's most bizarre defense contractor, Marvel Boy! The dark contacts grow even more solid when Jimmy Woo meets his understudy - Temujin, the son of the Mandarin! How does this all connect to one of the Agents' 1958 missions? Access M-11's datahold and find out!