“Oh, it's going to get warm for sure!”
Appearing in "Gods and Soldiers (Part One)"
Featured Characters:
- Human Torch (Jim Hammond) (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Roger (Jim Hammond's boss) (First appearance; dies)
- Invaders (Only in flashback)
- Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) (Main story and flashback) (As Bucky in flashback)
- Namor (Namor McKenzie) (Main story and flashback) (As Sub-Mariner in flashback)
- Major Liberty (John Liberty) (Only in flashback) (Death)
- Kree
- Pursuer Corps
- Tanalth the Pursuer
- Unnamed members
- Supreme Intelligence
- Pursuer Corps
- Nazis (Only in flashback)
- Baron von Strucker (Only in flashback)
- Unnamed soldiers
- Hela (Only in flashback) (Mind-controlled by Nazis)
Other Characters:
- Imperial Guard
- Fang (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Galactic Council (Mentioned)
- Millie (Diner waitress)
- Stu (Diner client)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers)
- Shiar (Mentioned)
- Skrulls (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Egypt
- Farafra Desert
- United States of America
- Germany (Only in flashback)
- Egypt
- Hala
- A piece of the Gods' Whisperer
- Captain America's Shield
- Captain America's Uniform
- Winter Soldier's Bionic Arm
Synopsis for "Gods and Soldiers (Part One)"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• Eisner Award winner James Robinson (STARMAN, EARTH 2) returns to MARVEL, uniting with Steve Pugh (ANIMAL MAN, HOTWIRE, GEN-X) to create a unique, modern day take on the INVADERS.
• The KREE EMPIRE intends to conquer the universe using a weapon that will grant them an army of NORSE GODS.
• It falls to four heroes united by their past—CAPTAIN AMERICA, NAMOR, THE ORIGINAL HUMAN TORCH and the WINTER SOLDIER—who must now face the future and wage war against the Kree to save Earth.Notes
This story was reprinted in Avengers (Vol. 5) #27.