Marvel Database

Wolverines Vol 1 3 Parel Variant Textless
Quote1 I'm not having you carry me. Quote2
Warren Worthington III (Earth-616) from All-New X-Men Vol 1 18 Immonen Variant
Quote1 Oh, okay. Um... I'll be right back. Quote2
All-New X-Men Vol 1 29 Textless
Quote1 Let's ride... Quote2
Cable and X-Force Vol 1 7 Textless
Quote1 Is that my motorcycle? Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Cyclops' Motorcycle

Synopsis for 1st story

Jean successfully hides X-23 mentally and communicates with her telepathically as Xavier is busy fighting off all the other telepaths in the facility. Laura stabs Xavier which results in his inability to further control the other X-Mens minds. After trying to have his Brotherhood and the X-Men kill each other - which fails thanks to Jean and the Stepford Cuckoos - he tries to run away. All the mind-controlled allies of Xavier have come to their senses and try to apologize, they later go back to their future.

Xavier and Raze are then handed over to the Cage, where Xavier sends another letter to the future.

Later, in the present, Angel and Laura decide to go on a little trip.

Solicit Synopsis

• Past, present and future collide as the Future Brotherhood exacts their final judgment on the All-New X-Men.

• Plus, Angel takes control!


  • When Angel asks Laura to go on a trip with him, he offers to fly her somewhere and references a Superman movie he has seen.

See Also

Links and References

