Appearing in "Pestilence!"
Featured Characters:
- Alpha Flight (Main story and flashback)
- Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier) (Main story and flashback)
- Box (Roger Bochs) (Main story and flashback)
- Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier) (Main story and flashback)
- Puck (Eugene Judd) (Main story and flashback)
- Snowbird (Main story and flashback)
- Vindicator (Heather Hudson) (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Former members of Alpha Flight
- Doug Thompson (Main story and flashback)
- unnamed son of Narya and Doug
- ⏴ Namor ⏵
- Pestilence (F.R. Crozier) (Main story and flashback)
- Great Beasts
- Attuma
- Atlanteans
Other Characters:
- Byrrah
- Doctor Strange (Only in flashback)
- James Hudson (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for "Pestilence!"
- Synopsis not yet written
Shaman dons the Talisman of Power for the first time in this issue.