Marvel Database

ManikinQuote1 You can't call us the Playpen Patrol after this! Quote2
BoxQuote1 I don't think I called you... Quote2
ManikinQuote1 You didn't. But I liked the way it sounded.. Quote2

Appearing in "Friends in High Places!"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Friends in High Places!"

Alpha Flight carries out a training exercise with the Canadian military and Beta Flight. The exercise ends in victory for Alpha and Beta Flight. The government's envoy to Alpha Flight is suspicious and fearful of the new team. When Sasquatch comes onto him and transforms into a woman, he is confused, thinking Walter Langkowski never had a sister. Sasquatch informs him that Walter didn't have a sister, confusing him further. He then discusses the Canadian government's surveillance of the team with Vindicator. After this, he sneaks into Alpha Flight's computer room and inserts a Raider disc into the computer to encode, or steal, the data. Alpha and Beta Flight enter the room and apologize for arguing with him earlier, not knowing he has just stolen their data.


  • This is Jim Lee's FIRST work for Marvel (Pencils)

See Also

Links and References

