Nice speech, eh -- But can someone tell me what the heck we're going to do with THIRTEEN Alphans?!
- —Puck
Appearing in "Building Blocks (Part 4): Strength"
Featured Characters:
- Alpha Flight
- Guardian (Heather McNeil) (Main story and flashback) (First appearance as Guardian)
- Aurora
- Box (Madison Jeffries)
- Diamond Lil
- James Hudson (Main story and flashback) (Rejoins team)
- Northstar
- Puck (Rejoins team)
- Sasquatch
- Shaman
- Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen)
- Persuasion
- Windshear (Colin Hume) (Leaves Roxxon and joins team)
Supporting Characters:
- Gamma Flight (Disbands)
- Master of the World
- Remnant Men (Disbands)
Other Characters:
- Darby Dean
- Susan Dean
- Samuel Higgins
- Doctor Giloski
- Jerry Jaxon (Only in flashback)
- The Quwrlln (Only in flashback)
- Prime Minister Mulroney
- Kristoff Vernard (Impersonates Doctor Doom)
- Master's Plodex ship
Synopsis for "Building Blocks (Part 4): Strength"
- Synopsis not yet written