Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Alpine was a white cat adopted by Bucky Barnes.


Alpine was first seen playing while Tony Stark fixed her owner's metal arm. She was next seen as Bucky had finished his meditation before going to mission.[1]

Feline was also seen sitting on table next to her owner who had another metal arm repair before jumping off. She was later pet by her owner as he and Doctor Samson talked about RJ.[2]

Alpine was next to Bucky when they got attacked by soldiers trying to kill both her and Winter Soldier. She was sad that they had to leave their home for safety. The following day she was with her owner at O.F.U. office where Bucky met Sam, another former Captain America and were talking about Sally McKenzie, Falcon's missing friend. She was later left to be taken care of by Misty Knight due to her being a "cat person", which led to Alpine violently attacking her, much to her owner and Falcon's shock as Bucky thought the feline would be fine with her cat sitter having a metal arm like her owner.[3]

She was later picked up by Bucky and attended a veteran support group in Harlem with him run by Sam after finding Sally and possibly arresting both Veronica Eden and Natural. She was introduced by her owner after he decided to start thus revealing her name.[4]

They were later attacked in their home and Bucky covered Alpine from explosion. She was later left, alongside Black Widow's cat Liho at Carol Danvers' apartment with Chewie. They were instructed by Carol to be nice before the owners' departure, but they three decided to play around and, by doing so, caused huge mess, much to Captain Marvel's discomfort who saw it shortly after returning while the felines were asleep.[5]

The trio was later left in Spidey's hands to be taken care of. He was swinging with them when he witnessed Black Cat robbing a store alongside her cats. He ordered the cats to stop, only to fail and get stuck in Spidey's web.[6]

See Also

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