Marvel Database

Quote1 Hi, honey... I'm home! Quote2

Appearing in "Survival of the Hittist!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Annie Dietz (First appearance)
  • Estelle (the Parkers' cleaning lady)
  • Paul (First appearance)




  • None

Synopsis for "Survival of the Hittist!"

Spidey stops the truck that triggers his spider-sense but once the driver says he's working for Carlton Drake, a policeman chases Spidey off. However, the truck contains Carlton Drake, Life Foundation members, and an unconscious Chance. At home, Peter meets Estelle, MJ's maid. As the truck arrives at Sanctum Maximus, the Foundation's fortified New Jersey hideout, Pete and MJ go clubbing and chat with Eddie Murphy and Paul Shaffer whom MJ knows. Drake tells Chance they want the secret of his weaponry. The next day, Peter researches Drake and discovers the hideout's location. There, Spidey discovers the stolen munitions and a shackled Chance, who tells him the Life Foundation is a radical survivalist group. Spidey releases him, and the pair unite to beat back the Foundations' private army. Drake and the Board escape while Chance ignites the munitions, destroying the Sanctum. Meanwhile, MJ comes home to find a burly man in a black Spidey suit waiting for her.

Solicit Synopsis

Spider-Man must rescue Chance from the merciless white-collar survivalists known as the Life Foundation! And that's just the beginning! Revealed at last — the astonishing identity of the super-villain who can slip past Spidey's spider sense! The second you see him, you'll know why!


  • This issue is reprinted in comics and books, see references for more info.[1]

See Also

Links and References


  1. This issue is reprinted in the following comics/TPB's: