Marvel Database

Appearing in ""If This Be My Destiny...!""

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Synopsis for ""If This Be My Destiny...!""

Spider-Man is swinging around town when he notices a group of masked men escape by helicopter from a plant that produces atomic devices. As he swings onboard and fights the men in the helicopter, they dump the stolen cargo into the water below. Spider-Man doesn’t notice this as he’s assaulted by sleeping gas and has to swing out before he falls prey. As he looks underwater, the men and the gadgets have disappeared. He leaves and goes to register for his first year of college. Peter comes home and Aunt May suddenly faints. After Dr. Bromwell visits, he decides to send her to the hospital. As Aunt May lies sick, Peter goes through with school but being in such a depressed state of affairs, gives everyone the cold shoulder including new classmates Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy. Unfortunately for Peter, everyone sees him as selfish because of his science scholarship. News at The Daily Bugle is slow so J. Jonah Jameson assigns Frederick Foswell to stir up a story and once disguised as Patch, finds out that nuclear devices are to be loaded on board a ship later that night. Unsure of the tip, Patch gives it to Spider-Man to investigate and as he arrives, he sees the same masked men from before. He fights them only briefly before they dive in the water. Spider-Man stops the theft (without pictures) and we learn that he has foiled the plans of someone called Master Planner. Master Planner is plotting his revenge as well as his research on an atomic ray in an underwater base. Meanwhile, two doctors finish up tests on Aunt May and come to the conclusion that she may not live much longer.


  • This story is reprinted in Marvel Masterworks #16.
  • In Steve Ditko's final year of work on Amazing Spider-Man, this is the only issue in which he is not given a plotter's credit. It is possible this was an oversight.

See Also

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