Marvel Database

Quote1 And I've been to Burning Man eight times, all right? Little time-bending don't bother me none. Quote2

Appearing in "Dead of Winter"

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Synopsis for "Dead of Winter"

After killing one Mayan guy (the other two killed themselves), Benjamin Rabin was given awesome powers (according to him). In order to merge completely with Wayep and become the Mayan god-king, "Kuhul Ajaw", Rabin needs to murder (or in his terminology, sacrifice) a woman. Carlie Cooper is the only woman working in the police station at the time. Meanwhile Spider-Man (Peter Parker) saves one "friend" of Rabin's from Wayep. Spider-Man tries to call the Precinct via pay phone, but no one's available to take his call. So Rabin and Spider-Man meet up at the sacrifice site and when things are looking bad, the homeless man, Vern, shows up with his reinforcements that he mentioned last issue. With their help Spidey gets the Wayep under wraps as the deranged Rabin is thwarted by the ever-flowing river of time. The Mayan god-king can only bond with a mortal during Uayep, a specific Mayan period of time, which just ended.

Solicit Synopsis

"Sometimes It Snows In April" (Come on it's a Prince reference from 20 years ago! The day of the massively unhip editor is upon us) continues with Spidey caught in the middle of two ancient threats that are conspiring to take him and the city itself down. Plus, Carlie trapped at the Police Station with someone after her blood!

See Also

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