Marvel Database

Quote1 Hurrrt my familyyy forrr the lazt time Ozzborn! Todayy you DIE! For REAL! Quote2
Molten Man

Appearing in "Mind on Fire, Part One: The Trouble with Harry"

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Synopsis for "Mind on Fire, Part One: The Trouble with Harry"

Harry asks Peter to accompany him to his ex-wife Liz and he accepts. Once the two ex-spouses arrive they get into an argument and Molten Man, Liz's half-brother, attacks Harry.

Solicit Synopsis

"Mind on Fire" Part 1 of 2 "The Trouble with Harry" (or "Harry Osborn and the Chamber of Secrets")

It would sure help HARRY OSBORN if he could remember the completely logical, non-magical, and totally plausible way he came back from the dead. A skill like that could be useful, now that his ex-brother-in-law, THE MOLTEN MAN, is out to kill him! Set your spider-sense to tingling as some of the most requested secrets from the time between ONE MORE DAY and BRAND NEW DAY are revealed. All this, and series regular, LIZ ALLEN returns to the pages of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, but is she here to help her ex-husband, or to throw more fuel on the fire? And in answer to more requests than you would believe: Little Normie!

See Also

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