Marvel Database

Quote1 That's why we need you to go to Cuba. Please. It's the only way to find out what's happening with Julio. Quote2

Appearing in "Amazing Grace – Part Two: My Heart to Fear"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Elder (First appearance) (Unnamed)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "Amazing Grace – Part Two: My Heart to Fear"

The Santerians members tell Spider-Man that Julio went to Cuba before he died and was resurrected, and they convince him to go there to investigate. Peter thus discovers that Julio wanted to find Babalù an orisha (a sort of protective spirit) with the power to heal. For further information he decides to question Professor Toledo, a university professor of philosophy who tells him where to look. A church, where Spider-Man is attacked by shellfish and runs into uncle Ben.

Solicit Synopsis

• The dead are rising in Harlem!

• Spider-Man relearns why graveyards are terrifying.

• But things aren’t as simple as they seem (and they don’t even seem all that simple). How do the Santerians fit into all of this?


  • This issue was amongst those shipped early and without notice by Diamond Comic Distributors and thus was released a week earlier than previously scheduled.[1]


  • Peter references the "Little Mermaid" franchise by mentioning Sebastian and Flounder.

See Also

Links and References

