Marvel Database


Kingsley Rice was a founding member of the Earth-712 team the Squadron Supreme. He served with the team for some time, clashing with the Avengers and being defeated by Hellcat who had been sent to the Squadron's Earth by minions of the Serpent Crown.[1]

He left the Squadron when they implemented their Utopia Program, whereby they took over the government of the United States, and introduced policies such as the artificial behavior modification of criminals. Although he voted against implementing the Utopia Program, Kingsley continued to serve with the team for a while despite his reservations.[2] However, once the team began to behavior-modify criminals, including behavior-modifying their former enemies the Institute of Evil to join the Squadron, Kingsley was among the members who quit the team in protest at this radical plan. Having been outvoted earlier when he suggested the Squadron's headquarters be located nearer his beloved ocean, Kingsley was glad to return to its depths and vowed not to leave it again.[3]

Due to his quitting the team, Kingsley was not involved in the battle where another member who quit the team in protest, Nighthawk, led a team called the Redeemers to overthrow the Squadron and their Utopia Program.

After the Squadron had dismantled the Utopia Program, and had returned from a sojourn on Earth-616, Kingsley was invited to rejoin the team, and accepted.[4]


Power Grid[8]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Bulletproof:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Enhanced:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (800 lbs-25 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned


  • Underwater Adaptations: Kingsley's body adapts to underwater conditions, such as changes in pressure, temperature, and visibility.
  • Underwater Breathing: As a result, he is able to breathe underwater.[5]
  • Superhuman Strength: Kingsley is superhumanly strong and can lift around 10 tons.[5] He can bend a tank's cannon with his bare hands and considers himself the third strongest person on the planet, surpassed only by Power Princess and Hyperion.[2]
  • Superhuman Durability: Kingsley can withstand the crushing pressures and cold temperatures of the ocean depths which allows him to survive blows from powerful beings like the Hulk.[6] His durability augments when he assumes his deep-sea form.[5]
  • Superhuman Speed: Kingsley can swim at great speed.[5]
  • Superhuman Agility On land Kingsley is extremely agile.[5]
  • Zoopathy: Kingsley can telepathically communicate with marine life forms, especially dolphins.[5]
  • Oceanic Adaptation: As Kingsley spends more time in water and adapts to the environment, his appearance becomes less human and more fish-like. In the ocean depths his body, as an autonomous reflex, turns into a blue-skinned and dark-eyed form. He automatically returns to his human form when leaving the deep ocean.[5]
    • Claws: He also gains claws in this form.


Kingsley can communicate with sea life and is an excellent swimmer.


Kingsley becomes "landsick" without periodic immersions in water.[5]


  • Amphibian was created as a pastiche of DC Comics' Aquaman. His real name, Kingsley Rice, is a joke; Aquaman's real name is Arthur Curry, and he is traditionally the King of Atlantis.

See Also

Links and References

